3 Simple Steps To Manifest Prosperity

What Does Prosperity Mean to You?

Prosperity comes in many forms. Some will think of money, gifts, or just plain being lucky all around. What does it mean to you? Only you can define what that is. I believe it encompasses all the above; luck, opportunity, money, the people you surround yourself with, basically abundance. So, how does one acquire more prosperity in one’s life? Well, it’ll take some work on your part. Are you in?

Here are 3 simple steps to get you on your way to creating prosperity in your life. Disclaimer: Yes, I said simple, but sticking to these steps may not seem as simple when you’re going through tough times. I encourage you to try it for a minimum of 30days.

  • 1. Get clear on what prosperity means to you.
  • 2. We need to check in with our self-esteem/head space to see if we think we deserve to have prosperity, luck, money, or abundance in our lives. That second step is based on your belief system and if you were even aware of it. Psychology has more to do with our finances, weight, relationships, you name it than what we give credit. It has a lot to do with our wellbeing.
  • 3. Make a plan and stick to it by using intentional thinking. By doing that it will activate your reticular activation system. Without RAS your brain would be overwhelmed with the amount of stimuli it comes across. This is the secret weapon to a prosperous or any type of life you desire.

What Does RAS and Prosperity Have to do With Each Other?

I bring up RAS quite a bit like I have in other blogs because it’s important to comprehend how our brains work, because of the power they possess. Which in essence is what power we have access to. Our brains are constantly being bombarded with tons of stimuli every second. The reticular activation system allows us to focus on the things we have our attention on or that is important to us.

I’ve discussed neuroplasticity which allows us to over-ride some hardwiring that has occurred from our beliefs. We inherent our parent’s, friend’s, peer’s, coworkers, and basically anyone we surround ourselves with beliefs. That means positive, negative, or indifferent. If you want to know if someone’s world is prosperous or scarce, listen to them. What they focus on is usually what they will see.

I’m sure you have one of those friends that constantly complains. They can find negative in anything. I don’t want to blame anyone, because they most likely have been subjected to people that think that way. And a lot of times they aren’t making it up. RAS is like a Google search. If your thoughts are looking for the sky to come crashing down, or the other shoe is about to drop your brain will allow you to focus on anything that looks like dread.

The good news is you can actually rewire your brain to find prosperity! I love this because this gives us hope. It’s much like the placebo effect that I talked about in one of my blogs. https://wellnessgardentoolshed.com/exciting-information-on-the-placebo-effect/ It takes your willingness to be open, consistent, and patient. After all, you probably didn’t get this way overnight. Neither will you be able to break a pattern overnight.

How To Stay Focused

It’s very easy for me to type how to obtain prosperity, but we all, including myself, have had struggles in this department. Anyone stating otherwise, is probably lying or hasn’t really lived life. Whatever the distraction is, we are all subject to them. That being said, we have tools to help keep your attention on your goals. Being that your goal is on prosperity, I want to help you (along with myself) stay focused on just that, prosperity. The best way to stay focused is to awaken all of your senses. That’s why we have created bundles and one specifically designed for prosperity. https://wellnessgardentoolshed.com/product/prosperity-group/

Everything is energy and energy is everything. That includes smell, sight, thoughts, feelings, and especially your beliefs surrounding prosperity. You get the picture. Sometimes a healthy mantra that you repeat over and over again, will finally imprint in your brain. Brainwashing our own minds is very doable and works. Much like affirmations. I know many self-help speakers have poo pooed this notion, because it feels as if you’re lying to yourself. Of course it feels stupid at first, but that’s only because of how foreign it feels. After awhile, you’ll get used to it. Then you’ll actually start believing it, thus the rewiring and magic occurs. Yes, I said magic.

Energy is present everywhere and everything has a vibration. You can benefit from this knowledge by aligning your frequency with what you want to attract in life, similar to tuning into a radio station and hearing the type of music that you like. While it may seem like magic, it is simply understanding that thoughts also have their own frequency. Although this concept is theoretically simple, we often struggle to put it into practice. That’s why we need constant reminders or something to keep us focused on our goals.

Repetition is Key To Many Things

There’s something to say about repetition. It’s like a numbers game. Eventually you throw enough mud at the wall, something will stick. In sales meetings every “no” is one step closer to a “yes”. No one likes rejection, especially me, but if you can get used to it and not take it personally, you can change your attitude towards it. All this is true for brainwashing yourself or rewiring your brain that you, too, deserve prosperity. Everyone does.

When you want to create more prosperity in your life, I’d encourage you to try this mantra. I am good luck, and I am prepared to receive opportunities that allow me to grow financially and mentally.  I am good luck, and I am prepared to receive opportunities that allow me to grow financially and mentally.  I am good luck, and I am prepared to receive opportunities that allow me to grow financially and mentally. Rinse and Repeat.

I challenge you to see if this will actually work for you. Studies show it takes thirty days to create a habit. It takes roughly ninety days to create a new behavior. Then we create the belief, which is defined by Yahoo search as “an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.” Once you’ve created a new belief system that you are worthy of luck and fortune, watch how prosperity in your life will appear. Because when you realize you deserve to have prosperity then the Universe will give it to you, but you do have to recognize it when it shows up.

In Conclusion

In conclusion if you want more prosperity in your life, you have a choice to use these simple steps. It doesn’t hurt to try. We all could use a little luck in our lives. And like Harvey Dent says in the Dark Knight, “I create my own luck.” You too can create your own luck. Wayne Dyer’s quote below also applies to whether you live in an abundant world or a world of scarcity. I love the fact that there is information and science available to us allowing us to learn something new, that we don’t have to carry the thoughts of our family’s beliefs that may have hindered us. And if we have them, we can change.

We can’t blame our friends, family, coworkers, etc. for how they’ve influenced us, because they don’t necessarily know any different or better. I share this because of my own experiences. Beliefs begin to get ingrained from the moment we are born. Some are good and some maybe be not so good. Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. (I didn’t come up with that.) That pretty much sums it up. My intention of this blog is to show that there is always hope. And to show how much our beliefs in whatever will influence our own prosperity.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I’d love to hear from you in the comments once we figure out how to get the comment section back online. Running a website has its ups and downs and the glitches are no joke! I truly appreciate you and your patience as we get the kinks ironed out. Until next time. Live life and prosper!

Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world.

Wayne Dyer

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