Poo Poo Happens, Now What?

Poo On Your Shoe

There’s that saying “S**t Happens”. Well, I’m changing up the language with poo poo happens instead. Did you see what I did there? I’ve cleaned up the words by not using foul language. Isn’t that what we do when you’ve stepped in poo? It’s happened to all of us at some point. Usually you run to the nearest hose to clean it off.

I was told that if a bird takes a dump on you, that means you’re lucky. I’ve been very lucky in my life then, because I’ve had a crow, seagull, some smaller bird, and a hummingbird bless me with their bodily waste. Luck was the furthest from my mind in all of those cases, mostly disgust and embarrassment. The worst was when I was driving to school just before sunrise, when out of nowhere it looked like paint filled my entire windshield. It took me seconds to realize it was bird crap. I swear I thought I was being pranked, liked someone threw a bucket of poo at me.

How on Earth could you get that many birds to poo at once?! Nevertheless, it happened. My windshield wipers smeared the blanket of nastiness before I could see. Being mortified, I parked my car on campus, opened my door and tried very carefully not to get any of that poo on my hands. I could only imagine what people thought as they walked passed my car. This felt like a curse rather than luck.

I Think Everything Has Meaning

To me almost everything has some meaning to it. This one was a tough one. Not knowing what flock of birds did this, I couldn’t look up their significance. The only thing I could come up with was, Poo Poo Happens. So now what? What was that message all about? Again, the only thing I could think of was, Clean it Up! When S**t happens, you need to clean it up. You can’t wallow in it. The smell alone will make you sick, so get busy and get rid of it.

Isn’t life the same as this situation? Life happens, all encompassing. That message from the Universe came at a time when I was all over the place. I had a book in the making, my salon in the making, racing dirt bikes, managing my son’s band, taking drum lessons, and had gone back to school (college) in my forties, after basically too busy and ready to pull my hair out of my head. I had to clean up my life. The car poo incident was a way to get my attention to see what need my immediate attention and clean that up first.


The revelation in that experience was seen in hindsight, like most things. If you have heard the word multi passionate person, it’s a word that would best describe me. Sometimes that can be a hinderance. When you busy yourself with all sorts of work to sound productive, it can be a disservice. It clutters your schedule to get down to what’s really important. It’s like that saying a jack of all trades and a master at none.

I still consider myself multi passionate, but I’ve learned to prioritize or at the very least, do what needs to get the job done. What I mean by that is, I had gone back to college because I thought it was necessary to have the credentials or degree to give me validation for the type of counseling I currently do and have been doing for years behind the chair as a hair stylist.

Learning is something I never tire of, but school is a business. I had to go through general ed, in order to get to the interesting stuff. A couple of semesters of math did it for me and I stopped school. The truth is, no matter what anyone says, nothing can replace experience and actual receipts. All of what I have at my age of double nickels.

When the poo hit my car, I broke it down into symbolism. A car gets you from point a to point b. When your windshield is full of poo poo, you can’t see where you are going. That made perfect sense to me to clean up my space as to figure out where I really wanted to go. Maybe that was luck after all.

What If Poo Poo Is Too Much to Bear?

As I write this blog, I was made aware of some really big poo poo that surrounds my finances. Anyone that knows me, knows I completely freak out when money problems come up. It has even stopped me in my tracks from whatever I need to get done. Depression wanted to settle in. You could say this week was a lot to bear. So what do you do?

I don’t know what others do, but what helps me, is to narrow down where an issue lies. Declutter or clean up the paper work and find out what and where the issue lies. Money always has a paper trail. You’d think someone like me who has used the law of attraction with law of action and understands energy, I wouldn’t experience such negative things. Well, everyone goes through s**t sometimes. No one is immune. And I’m only human.

By being proactive and focusing on money being in my hands, not someone else’s and a positive resolution, I keep my eyes on the prize. I know it sounds a bit like magical thinking, but I can give you examples of it not. One in particular; I had a family member lose money to a scammer.

The bank had rejected all inquiries, finding this person at fault and not returning the lost money due to a scam that the bank should’ve and says they protect you against. I tell you, no one wanted to be around me, because I saw the unfairness of this situation and how much money these banks make off of any transaction. (I’m pretty, not 100%, sure you receive emails from banks informing you of the latest scams, is because of me and that horrific situation.)

Eyes on the Prize, Not the Poo Poo

I couldn’t see not getting the money back. You would’ve thought it was my money that had been taken. The person that lost the money was going to chalk it up to a life lesson, but there was no way in Hell I would or could let this go. I had to protect other innocent naive people. So I began my research and persisted. That was the only thing that kept me from completely breaking down.

After a very long 5 months and 2 days, I can say the family member that lost their money, got it all back. And what was really crazy, made an extra $1500.00 on top of it. Is that crazy or what!? I tell this story because I’m in the thick of a pile of poo poo right now and I am having to clean it up. Right now I am focusing on the positive and I have a pretty good feeling of the outcome. I won’t tell the whole story yet, because I don’t want any negative input. It’s a really bad situation, though.

Intentional Thinking

This is how the power of intentional thinking works. Of course, it works like a miracle when things are going great in your life and your energy/vibration is extra great, but I’m here to tell you or at least offer another way to handle it when it’s not. Being proactive and taking matters into one’s own hands helps. Don’t get me wrong, I research to the umpth degree. It helps me from spiraling into everything that could go wrong while giving me another focus.

I pray and focus that this new poopy situation will give me an opportunity to learn and share another happy outcome of this unfortunate turn of events. My hopes that if you find yourself stepping in a pile of poo, you can utilize some of the tools I’ve offered in this blog. Everyone steps in poo in life at some point. How do you clean up the mess?

If you need a little energy boost, we offer a prosperity bundle that utilizes your senses to help keep your eye on the prize and elevate your vibration. https://wellnessgardentoolshed.com/product/prosperity-group/
When poo poo happens, our Prosperity Bundle with Aventurine bracelet, scented candle with Aventurine crystals, organic Grapefruit essential oil, and customized mantra canvas is there to help

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. If you know someone that may find this helpful, feel free to share it. Life can be tricky and we can all use each others tricks. I appreciate you.

Brian Tracy
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