What Thoughts Are Filling Your Mind?

Positive Topics

I had to erase my first draft of this blog, because it wasn’t a positive topic.  We have enough icky stuff in the media. I want to be part of the solution, not add to the problem.

What are you filling your thoughts with? We know through law of attraction what your energy space is in, is what you’ll attract.  If you’re constantly looking up articles on the internet about all of the scary things in the world, I will guarantee you’ll get to see more and more things to frighten you.  Why not try some uplifting thoughts and see how that makes you feel.

The Top Five Percent

There’s a reason that only the top five percent of people are successful.  The answer is quite simple; positive thinking is the best food for the mind. They don’t have limiting beliefs and don’t focus on negativity. Successful people look at failure much differently. It’s not defeat, but rather a tool to search for another way. In other words, they don’t give up or wallow in negative emotions.  They search for solutions.

Think and Grow Rich was published in 1937 and is still current today. A book I love to fill my mind.  One would think by its title that it was about making money.  It isn’t. It’s about the philosophy of accomplishing anything you set out to do. Henry Ford kept pursuing his dream to make a horseless carriage, with minimal schooling and people shooting his ideas down.  Thank goodness he didn’t let others’ negative thinking detour him. We all love our vehicles.

Keep Your Dreams to Yourself

Don’t share your dreams with others. Most people have limiting beliefs and will project their fears of failure onto you.  I don’t think people mean to smash your dreams, but they can’t see past their own nose.  If you choose to share your dreams, make sure the person with whom you are sharing, is like-minded.

The sky is the limit. Don’t let others tell you any different.  I never thought I’d by a house as a single mother at 25 years old, own properties, own a salon, or write a book. Listen to the successful people around you and listen to their stories. We all have the same 24 hours in a day.  How will you spend your time?


Visualization works.  I know from personal experience and reading the success stories of others.  If you drown your thoughts and feelings in positivity, your will attract more positive encounters.

Visualization can be done in different ways. You can make a physical vision board, or quiet your mind and visualize in your mind’s eye what you want your life to look like. Feel the feelings of the having it. Changing your thoughts is the first step, and the emotions behind the thought are where the real magic happens.

Emotional Upsets

Let’s keep it real.  It’s hard to stay happy all of the time. Life happens and we will encounter emotional upsets at some point in our lives.  But how long will you live in that space?

Some things you can do to bring you out of a state of depression are exercise, read or listen to motivating books, watch your favorite comedy movie, go have coffee with a friend and not discuss your problem. The emotional problem doesn’t go away automatically, but it diminishes the less attention you give to it.

Feel the feelings and acknowledge them, then gently remind yourself, this contrast in your life helps you appreciate the good times, as well as, giving you an opportunity to examine how you could have handled the upset; how you could grow  or what you learned from the experience.

Top Achievers

The top achievers never let an emotional upset get in the way of their missions.  They address an undesirable issue, deal with it, then move on; taking away at least one lesson from the experience.

Top achievers aren’t jealous, but curious.  When they get inspired by an idea, they learn and research all there is to know on the subject matter:  Had it been done before? Who are the top achiever in that area? How can you monetize the idea, etc?  They fill their mind and subconscious mind information and with positivity, by meditating, visualizing, relaxing, being productive, and express gratitude.

Fear-based Thinking

Top ten traits guaranteed to lack success;

1. lack of drive 2. can’t make a decision 3. afraid your idea won’t work 4. substance abuse 5. focusing on the negative what ifs 6. procrastination 7. trying to be someone else 8. unwillingness to except one’s own mistakes 9. finding others’ faults/gossiping 10. taking from others to get ahead/using people

Positive-based or Love-based Thinking

Top ten traits guaranteed toward success;

1. willing to learn/be open-minded 2. exercise 3. healthy diet 4. healthy relationships 5. passion 6. follow through 7. meditation 8. decisive 9.  focuses on what’s working/find the good in things 10. being authentic

See For Yourself

Test these suggestion out for yourself to see if they work.  You will be pleasantly surprised what you’ll find.  Many have tested this notion and the research does not lie.  There are many books on this subject all saying the same things.  I would highly encourage you to check out some of these texts. Some style will resonate more with you than others, but if you want to be extraordinary and accomplish great things in all areas of your life, you must start somewhere.

Think for a moment —  if we all did this, what a wonderful world of happy people we would have.  Fear and love are all only a state of mind. Which will you choose?

Here’s the link to Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich


“A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi


    […] I bring up the power of positive thinking. It goes without saying how I feel about the Law of Attraction. It works.  Keeping yourself in a positive and happy space, tells the Universe, Divine, God, etc., […]

    Hi Leah, good morning from the beauty of Santa Fe, NM where we have sunny mornings with brilliant blue skies and the blooming mountain deserts all around. Your topic reminds me that so many great spiritual teachers say we choose our thoughts just like we choose what to have for breakfast or what to wear. Choosing positive, loving thoughts is consistent with a healthy spiritual practice and self-care routine. Choose wisely.

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