Exciting Information on the Placebo Effect

The Placebo Effect and Law of Attraction

Here at Wellness Garden Tool Shed, we are all about energy work which works like the placebo effect. Researchers and studies use placebos when testing new drugs in drug trials. In some cases, study group are given pills and instructions, but no one will no if they are getting the real drug or a sugar pill. Research on drugs used for antidepressants show there’s little difference in the actual pill and the placebo effect, and this isn’t recent information. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4172306/ But this is great news!

The law of attraction is much like a placebo. A pill will do something, if we are told it will do something; like an aspirin or Tylenol will take away your headache. Your thoughts tell your brains how to feel and think by what it associates those thoughts with. That’s why doctors are reluctant to give a timeline on patients with a terminal illness. Same goes in the opposite direction for those that can achieve what seems impossible. It’s the belief that something is…

Beliefs are ingrained in all areas of our lives; from our beliefs in relationships, health, happiness, prosperity/luck, finances, to all of it. We will be compensated in life, 9 time out of 10, when we believe it to be true. Same goes if we believe we’re not worthy. You’ve heard people say if they didn’t have bad luck, they’d have no luck at all. Well, that my friend, is true. With this new knowledge and study, this opens up opportunity to create our own placebo and watch it work like magic.

This Is Great News!

I feel like I am truly lucky. I always get some kind of answer or validation to something I’d been thinking. One of my clients happens to be a neuroscientist with a Ph.D. in neuroscience. Science is coming up with validations for what many soothsayers, sages, psychics, etc., have said, but couldn’t explain. I’ve always been into “woo woo” but would never knock scientific proof. So when we were talking about the placebo effect, what better person to have that conversation, than with someone who studies and knows how the brain works. https://statisticsbyjim.com/basics/placebo-effect/

What’s cool about talking with someone that has knowledge of the brain, she helps me understand the “why’s” something works. I call it law of attraction with law of action to produce a certain outcome, and she calls it our brain giving you every map to your outcome that you believe will happen. Sounds familiar, right?

I am convinced that if you want something specific in your life, you must keep your eye on the outcome or something better. I’ve seen it work time and time again. What you focus on is what you get. Is your belief that you’re going to get every side affect listed on the bottle of your pills? Chances are, you most likely will. Now that you are privy to this information, then try it out so you can benefit from it.

How Do You Keep Your Eye on the Prize?

One might ask, how do you train your brain to overcome old patterns of negative or pessimistic thinking? The answer is all about intentional thinking and focus. Let’s not forget about meditation and all of its benefits. We have in our shop section in this link https://wellnessgardentoolshed.com/shop/ with tools to help stimulate all of your senses to remind you where your attention needs to lie. Remember everything has energy and a vibration regardless of your beliefs. I believe this therefore it works, like the placebo.

People can poo poo this notion, but if the science backs up the placebo effect, I’d reconsider. When you focus on what it is you want and know you deserve it, then the likelihood of getting it or better is there. This works exactly the same for what you don’t want or if you are fearful of things not turning out the way you want.

When I wanted to attract a decent mate, I did it wrong in the beginning. I would list, whether in my head or on paper, what I didn’t want. You guessed it. I got all of those things on that list. Once I changed my frame of mind and listed the traits I wanted, I met my husband 5 months later. No one knows how long it’ll take, but know it works.

Placebos Aren’t Only in Pill Form

With this new or not so new, but hidden knowledge, use this to your advantage. Placebos don’t only come in the form of a pill. It starts with the power of your brain and belief systems. We can override our belief systems. It takes desire to change and a conscience effort to change. When you’ve had beliefs that are hardwired in your brain, it may seem impossible to change. Now we have scientific evidence that our brains are have super powers and neuroplasticity, meaning we have power to override some synapses.

I write this blog with an intention to offer information to you of what you may not have heard before and that leads you to a better life. When people aren’t living in fear or scarcity and have a pretty good self-esteem, they are much more pleasant to be around. Maybe that’s selfish of me, but call it what you will. I want to leave the world knowing I’ve helped or at least tried to be part of the solution.


Sometimes I come off like a broken record, but I do this out of enthusiasm and excitement. I want to share what I’ve learned and the more I repeat it, I believe it will stick with those listening. How amazing would it be if everyone used this method and had a better life? We’d see less people trying to control others, because they wouldn’t have the need to do so.

Beliefs are things that we tell ourselves that a statement is true or that something exists. Our thoughts and beliefs have energy, like everything that exists. They, too, will manifest. I really don’t think I can stress this enough, hence the repetition. When you do something enough, results appear.

Appreciation and Gratitude

In order to speed up your magnetism and use the placebo effect to your advantage, the best way to create an abundance of positive energy is to express gratitude and appreciation for all that is good in your life. Even if bad things are happening, which they do, see if you can be grateful for the lessons you’ve learned in those experiences. You’ve become wiser for them. And with that…

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking your time out of your day to read this. People say blogs don’t work or are not needed. I believe with 8 billion people on the planet, that cannot be true. Here’s to believing in the placebo effect. Let me know if you’ve tried it and how it worked out in the comments. Cheers.

“Research shows that if patients believe they are taking the real drug, they are more confident of improving and, so, improve even if they are actually on the placebo. Conversely, if they suspect they are taking the placebo, their expectancy of improvement declines, and so does their improvement.”

John Cornwell

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