The Main Reason Why Including Spirit into Your Life is Beneficial

What Do I Mean By Spirit?

Ok I know not everyone believes in any sort of spirit or spirituality. There are atheists out there, and I know quite a few. And I am not saying there’s anything wrong with that. After all, people can’t be forced to believe in something they don’t. But I’m asking you to open your mind for a minute. By nature I’m skeptical. In fact, my mind still gets blown when Spirit or my guides or whoever is giving me messages is crazy accurate. Or when I meet other people that know how to connect with the unseen and get information that no one could possibly know.

With that being said and cleared out of the way, I wanted to address this topic after hearing Mel Robbins podcast with Karen Russo, known as the happy medium. What I mean by “spirituality” is believe in something or a force that is stronger than we perceive ourselves. It can be God, Divine, Intuition, Higher Power, The Universe, Collective Conscious, Whatever you Call It. You get the idea. So why or how does this affect your life?

Life has its ups and downs and can stress you out to the max. It comes with tons of uncertainty. You know what else comes with uncertainty? Anxiety. No one likes that feeling that’s why big pharma is greatly profitable. When you can let go of some of the stress that’s bogging you down and ask for help from Spirit, you would be amazed how much weight will be lifted.

Praying For Personal Gain Is Sinful, NOT!

Some churches have been known to shame people for praying for personal gain. You should be praying for world peace or anyone other than yourself. “Why?” I ask. Praying for others is a good thing, but it’s also good to take care yourself. Even though I had many negative things to say about the cult-like church I went to in my youth, the one powerful tool I took away from that experience, was the power of prayer. Prayer didn’t come with instructions or judgement. I’ve seen what appears to be miracles happen in my life and others through praying. I am grateful for that tool.

When I was a child, I was very competitive, whether it be in academics or sports. I wanted to be the best, or at least podium. When it came to academics, I knew I was no dummy. But I am dyslexic. So leaving a letter off of one of my spelling words was pretty common and leading to a grade lower than 100%. Or during our times table timed tests, I was quite fast enough. I discovered asking for some help from Spirit. The thing was, I got it! I don’t think God, Spirit, Etc., cared if I asked for a little help in school. I’m not sure how asking for help in school would be a bad thing.

Praying is Basically Manifesting and Meditating

In a nutshell, praying is basically like manifesting or the law of attraction. When you focus on what it is you want, it’s activating your Reticular Activation System, which I’ve written quite a bit on this topic. Because of the vast amount of stimuli we are exposed to, our brains sort out what is most important to us. Therefor, we will see more of what our attention or thoughts deem as something we need to see in the world or physical form.

They say, (I can’t remember who) praying is talking to God and meditation is listening to God. I can agree to that a in some respects, but we have guided meditations which is listening to someone take you on a visual journey to accomplish something in particular. Either way I think it’s a good practice.

The idea behind having Spirit or Guides or Intuition from the unseen world is to help you achieve whatever it is you want to achieve; whether business or personal life. Could you imagine how effective prayer would work if your whole company focused on an outcome? That would be a pretty awesome experiment. I bet it would a magical or transformational experience. I’ve seen what happens when a whole church prays for someone. Miracles.


Fear is pervasive, used in marketing and as a control mechanism, especially with the rise of AI. This platform promotes AI use, and its impact on jobs could render some careers obsolete. While AI can be misused for scams, it lacks emotions and spiritual connections like living beings. Now is the crucial time to strengthen our intuition and spiritual awareness to discern reality.

Fear is used to keep people down. It is a very low vibration and like the law of attraction states, like attracts like. Things with a lower vibration will be attracted to a person’s low vibration. Look at how many auto-immune diseases are out there. They say mental illness hurts. I agree. Our minds are powerful.

Our brains interpret signals through our eyes, ears, tastebuds, nerves, etc. Who is interpreting thoughts the mind? I along with many others, believe it’s our higher self, the part that is our connection to Source. You can raise your vibration by communicating with Spirit knowing there are powers that be that want to help you to be happy and content in every area of your life.

All People Can Channel Spirit

We all can channel Spirit or Guides. Many of us can recall in our early childhood days encounter phenomenon. I know I did. Every night in bed I pulled the cover over my head in order not to hear or see anything. We are made of energy and came from somewhere and will transform indefinitely. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. However it does change forms. we come from a non-physical form into one, then back to non-physical. So what makes you think you can’t reconnect with other energy forms, such as passed loved ones or Source energy?

We are products of our environment more than we think. Children tend to be more open to Spirit being it wasn’t that long ago when they were in that form. It’s when we get older and take on others’ beliefs that our connection to Source diminishes. For example, the church I went to believed in prophecy, but not from all people. Reading tarot cards or going to a psychic was consorting with the devil.

Being that I heard, saw, and knew things without explanation, I thought it was evil or that I was bad. I saw the Exorcist and what happened to Reagan after using a Ouija board. I sure prayed a lot to keep that devil away from my house. It worked.

Another thing keeping are connection to Source or hearing messages from our passed loved ones is the constant distractions around us such as phones, computers, T.V, games, drugs, alcohol, etc. We are inundated with stuff to busy our minds that we can’t recognize signs when we see them. Believe me, they are there. When you take time, even if you start out with 5 mins a day, to calm the noise and just listen and feel whatever may be there in the stillness.

How Will I Know If It’s Spirit Or My Own Chatter?

First you’ll think it’s your own mind telling you stuff. Maybe it is, but when something comes up randomly and you think to yourself, ‘Why am I thinking of this?” That’s a clue that you may be getting a message from a Guide or Spirit. Listen to it. It’s like when you think of one your friends that you haven’t spoke to in awhile and you can’t get them out of your mind. You go about your day and they pop up again. Then you noticed there’s a missed call or text message comes in from that very person. I don’t really believe in coincidences. I’m sure you’ve had that happen to you.

One strange thing happened to me back in 2018 where I was hiking with my dog on a trail that I frequented. I had been listening to Radleigh Valentine, a tarot angel card reader, and his messages that week were to ask the angels for help. They won’t help if you don’t ask due to free will and all. While we were walking I whispered, “Ok Archangel Ariel, if you really are saying we need to ask for help, then I’m asking as validation, (not disrespect) to let me see a bobcat (I almost asked for mountain lion, then thought not, just in case.)

In my own voice in my head I heard a response saying, “You’ll see one if you look hard enough.” I thought to myself that sure was snarky. My self-talk wasn’t usually so sassy. I peered around corners, looked in tree branches, to see if my bobcat would appear.

Nope it didn’t. I didn’t think I’d see a bobcat being it was 2:30 in the afternoon and I’ve never seen one on any of the trails out where we were. As we drove down the hill from the ranger station I looked over in an open field, and it was like Ding, Ding, Ding, here’s your bobcat! I was blown away. At that moment, I knew it wasn’t me that I heard on the trail.

When You Recognize Signs You Get More

Once you get a few signs from Spirit, you’ll learn to recognize more. Sometime they come in the form of animals or a song, or words, or feathers, or coins, or ideas, or people. Your Higher Good or Self or Spirit wants the best for you. They will always have your back and give great advice. And the best thing is, Spirit doesn’t have boundaries like time or space. It can be in more places at the same time. That’s why Spirit can help everyone at the same time.

I’ve been reading cards for awhile and I go crazy with them when a challenging situation arises. After a few hairy and stressful readings whether for myself or someone else, I’m finally trusting their messages. It’s because I make sure it’s a message for good and with the best intentions in mind. Things that looked dyer, and no way would work in the person’s favor, worked our exactly how the cards said. That was Spirit coming through whatever medium to provide comfort and an effort to relieve stress.

Of course it’s hard to have faith in something turning out in your favor when you’re knee deep in it. But I now after several encounters of accurate readings, I trust in what Spirit or my Guides half to say. Therefor I fully trust in Spirit to guide me through my business venture which is to offer tools from the garden shed to help others achieve empowerment and success.

In Conclusion

Spirituality is not to be confused with religion. There’s no dogma associated it with spirituality. You can practice it in all different forms. People experience their connection through all the “clairs”; clairvoyance – visions, claircognizance – knowing, clairgustance – taste, clairaudience – hearing, clairsalience – smell, clairsentience -feeling, clairtangency -touch. For some it’s being out in nature and connecting with Mother Earth. It doesn’t matter how you connect, it mostly matters to know you are connected.

The main reason how you will benefit your connection with Spirit is how it relieve stress and anxiety. Spirit, guides, late family, and friends are still around you. They aren’t here in a physical form, but you can feel their energy. All you have to do is ask, then listen, or look for the guidance or companionship you are given. There is so much more to life than this physical plane.

Thank you for opening your minds to this subject and reading this blog. It means a lot to me. Learning of my personal connection to Spirit has calmed me down tremendously in some seriously stressful life lesson moments. I wanted to share this in hopes that someone will find it useful. Feel free to check out my YouTube shorts to get a daily card reading.

Until next time. Cheers.

Within all of us is a divine capacity to manifest and attract all that we need and desire.

Wayne Dyer

The Main Reason Why Including Spirit into Your Life is Beneficial

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