What Does it Mean to Surrender
What does it mean to surrender? By definitions it means to give up one’s power to another. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/surrender You probably wondering why I’m saying it doesn’t mean giving up. Well, sometimes resistance or fighting against the current will kill you. Look how many riptides have killed swimmers fighting against the current. Relaxing and letting go allows you to think. Swimming along side or around the current will save your life.
This word “surrender” kept popping up in my mind to the point, I thought something other than myself is suggesting that someone needs to hear this message. Or who knows, maybe I’m the one that needs to hear it. This election has many of us baffled and frightened.
If you asked anyone that knows me, they’d never be shocked that I downloaded all 922 pages of Project 2025 to see what was really in there. I have to tell you, it’s pretty scary stuff. So do I continue to freak myself out and everyone around me? No. It’s not helpful in any shape or form. That’s probably why the words, “surrendering” or “surrender” kept popping up in my mind.
The vote is out. I really thought for sure VP Harris would be victorious. A real gut punch to me and many others. But the people have spoken with their votes loudly and clearly. This is where surrender comes to play.
Part of the Life Experience
I’ve blogged about life experiences are to teach us lessons. My belief is Earth is a school where our souls come to have a human experience and our life provides us the lessons for our soul to grow. Of course, I can’t prove this, but this is my belief. Life comes with free will (that’s debatable, but I’m going with this logic for now).
We are given choices in life and some of our decisions are made through haste, anger, and fear. Once our choices are made, sometimes there isn’t a redo. We have to live with that or the choices others made for us. Fighting for what you think went wrong, when there isn’t evidence, is useless. So, that’s when the act of surrenderding comes to play.
Twelve step programs work when people realize they need to surrender to the fact that they have no control over things like drugs or alcohol. Having belief in a Higher Power or God (Whatever you Name it), takes a lot of pressure off a human. I know it works for me. I’ll share what I mean.
When my grandmother passed away 11 years after my mother, there was a weird incident or misunderstanding with my aunt and inheretance. It made me sick to my stomach, because we’ve always been a close family. My sister and I felt very unloved and dismissed, not because of the money itself, but more of the unfairness of how life played out. Our mother left us and so did her inheritance. Had our mother been alive, we wouldn’t have gotten anything which would’ve been perfectly fine. If there was anything left after she and my father lived their lives, than that would be our inheritance.
Our family’s love language were gifts or acts of service. It wasn’t affirmations, affection, or quality time. For most of our lives nature over nurture was instilled. Those of us that took care of ourselves did receive the occasional praise which we valued dearly. So when it changed after more than 50 years, it was a shock.
I had a come-to-Jesus moment from that situation because I had to surrender to the fact that this was out of my hands. My grandmother changed her trust after she had told me what we were to expect very close after my mother died. It wasn’t my aunt’s fault. She didn’t have any say-so about the trust. So I had to surrender and give it up to the Powers that be. I had to be okay with whatever outcome. When I did that, things turned out pretty fair and good. It helped me to let go, and let God, as they say.
Surrendering Doesn’t Mean Give Up
When I suggest to surrender by retreating and never pulling your head out of the sand, that’s not what I’m meaning. It doesn’t mean to give up. I look at it, like AA does. Being that I’ve had a past many decades ago, like four of them, I had to go to some AA meetings or NA meetings. They run a 12-step program, that most of you probably are aware. At the end of each meeting the Serenity prayer is said by everyone, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Sometimes we must surrender to the fact that life isn’t always going to be what you expect it to be. Curve balls are thrown at people all the time, not to everyone all at once, but to individuals at some point in their lives. You won’t be able to control everything that happens to you or your loved ones. We have to surrender to our feelings. The trick is to not let it ruin the rest of your life. And what I love most about the serenity prayer is that it’s okay for you not to be strong all of the time, and let the higher powers take over.
Having a faith in something other than yourself, helps tremendously. When you surrender and give your really hard problems to the Divine, God, (again, whatever you name It) it takes the burden off of you. Believe it or not, when you do this, you may get answers on what you can do to ease your pain or stress. When you calm down because you gave it up to the Powers that Be, you get a breather. When you’re not frantic, you are able to see things in a new light. Then you can act accordingly.
Everything Works on a Frequency
I can’t reiterate enough that everything from humans, to mountains, to tables, and thoughts all work with some type or form of frequency. If we are in a low-frequency such as sad, depressed, hopeless, or anxious, the Universe will bring things into your life that matches your thought frequency. In the law of attraction, they use the word, “vibration” they are synonomous.
Have you ever noticed that if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, you might stub your toe, or run into something that leaves a bruise? It sets the tone for the day. You hit every red light or get behind a slow driver. Or if you’re relying on clients, they cancel. This is a phenomenom that I believe is straight up the LOA.
So if our beliefs have energy and we believe that a Higher Source can provide help, it destresses the constricting energy, aka limiting belief, and therefor lightens your energy to co-create with a Higher vibration. Sometimes it’s those real hard moments of feeling completely out of control that forces you to surrender and use the Higher Power. If you try it, you may just be surprised in a good way.
Surrendering Can Provide Useful Tools
Once I surrendered to the fact that there was more to this physical world and gave up my serious problems to the Universe, I was showed the next steps on how to fix whatever had me distraught. I had an incident where a loved on was scammed out of $10K. Needless to say, it was devestating. There were periods of action and surrending. Both were used to resolve the matter.
I’d take steps that I thought for sure would work, only to find out that they failed. I surrendered for the moment to get clarity for the next steps to come. After 5 months of prayers and action, the money was returned. Not only was it returned, there was an extra $1500.00 made on it. I believe those prayers helped. Prayers were my way of surrendering in the fact that I couldn’t do it on my own.
As much as I have talked about the church’s hypocrisy and cult-like views, the one big takeaway was the power of prayer. Sometimes things are too big for our human minds to handle. It doesn’t suggest that one is weak. In fact, it suggestes great humility to realize that we need help from time to time. Whether it’s help from you family or friends, or the Invisible, there’s help available to get you through times of stress.
When times are tough and stressful, like this election time, remember nothing stays the same and change is inevitable. Surrender to the powers that be when it’s too much for you to bear. Once you surrender, allow yourself to receive and pay attention to messages, that come to you through your own thoughts, syncronicities, spirit animals, signs, etc.
Write down the life you want, desire, and the outcomes you want to see in your life. Check out our new manifesting journal in the link. https://wellnessgardentoolshed.com/product/spiral-notebook-ruled-line/ By writing and focusing on the things you desire instead of fear, will raise your vibration to a frequency of excitement and hope, which is immediately a better feeling.
Once we all learn we are co-creater of our lives, the better we will feel. The better people feel, the kinder people will be to one another. We are all connected and belong on this planet. Chaos is an opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve. Once we can surrender to the fact that we are in this together and want the best for ourselves, we would actually achieve something magical. https://youtube.com/shorts/8E_qaMpqREw?si=SG3jU7WGHwU_Dxsa
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog. I hope it helps somewhere out there. Take care and be kind to one another. We need that now more than ever. ~ Cheers
We can only learn to know ourselves and do what we can – namely, surrender our will and fulfill God’s will in us.
Thanks Leah,
Very good and helpful information !
Thank you for reading!!