Dreams Are Great But…

Dreams are a great start to get you to where you want to be. But the problem with some people is that they stay in that dream state without ever waking up to actualize their dreams. Do you want to wake up in 2025?
Many of you know that I love personal development and I can get triggered a bit when someone knocks it. Especially someone a lot younger than I. But I get it. The reason people create memes and make fun of personal development is because people love the dream state. When you’re in the sleeping state to dream, you never get anything done.
I’ll probably never stop staying that the law of attraction will only work when the law of action is applied. It has worked for me so many times that I know there are others out there seeking for this valuable information. And want to use it. Not just talk about it.
Don’t get me wrong, dreams are great. After all that’s where you get clear on what it is you want to achieve. They (as in many motivational speakers) say, “You wouldn’t have a dream if you weren’t meant to achieve it.” So what do you say? Are you going to make those dreams come to life in 2025? I know I am going to go for it. The best thing about a new year is the sense of freshness and a new beginning it offers. The key is to stay focused and have a plan that is executeable and not give up once February hits. If you need some help click on my SHINE Method to get started. https://shinemethod.wellnessgardentoolshed.com/?_gl=1%2Ah8s3jk%2A_gcl_au%2ANjIzNTIwODcxLjE3MzAzOTY1MDY.
New Year’s Resolutions

I once made a New Year’s resolution to not have resolutions anymore. That didn’t happen. Like I said prior, I love the new year like I love Mondays or a season change, because it offers a sense of a fresh start. It’s like a reset button. Of course you can start whatever you want whenever you want, but how many really do that and stick with it? Not many or we wouldn’t have 80% of the world complaining about money or not living the life they feel they deserve, like it’s only for the top 10% of the people or even smaller like the 1% ers.
The people at the top weren’t all at the top in the beginning. As much as people complain about Jeff Bezos, he started Amazon as an online bookstore on July 5, 1994 in a rented garage in Bellevue, Washinington. He also came from a broken family of very young parents, although was adopted by his step-father later. Jeff had brains and did well in school to say the least, but look at what he dreamt and how he brought his dream to life. The key is, it didn’t happen over night.
Dreams, especially big ones, take time to germinate. Just like a baby takes approximately 40 weeks to come into the world, dreams have a gestetational period, too. The problem is that with everything at your fingertips, like when you order from Amazon and comes within 24 hours, most things don’t come that quickly. People give up too soon, hence February.
What If Game…

What if you were told that you could have whatever your heart desired and it was guaranteed, but you didn’t know when it would come. Would you keep going until you achieved it or would you give up because things got a little tough? Remember it is guaranteed. I bet you’d keep going.
Now apply that same attitude and drive to you dream. I know this works. I’ve done it over and over again. I fought with US Bank for money that was not protected by the very bank that says it protects their customers’ money. I didn’t give up after a thousand “no’s”. In fact, there was no way I’d settle for anything other than that money being returned. It wasn’t easy and believe me, there were lots of tears, but 5 months later, not only was the money returned to the account, there was an extra $1500.00 added to the account. Persistance pays off, every time. What if I had given up in the 4th month? Lose, lose situation.
You try it. What if your goal was to lose 30 pounds? You’re gung ho to go January 1, 2025. You hit the gym to do cardio and weights. The first 5 pounds comes off like no tomorrow. Dieting is exciting and new. Then the end of January hits. Superbowl is coming up along with yummy fattening food. Blowing your diet is inevitable. The momentum you’ve built isn’t working like it had in the beginning. But you’ve lost roughly 7 pounds. Do you give up?
Most people do and that’s why the gym is less crowded in February. The thing is, had you kept going and got back on eating right, one day isn’t going to kill you. Losing 1-2 pounds a week would take you roughly 20 weeks to lose 30 pounds. You’ve already lost the 7. Can you see where I’m going with this? People give up on their dreams and themselves too soon.
Simple Yet Hard
The reality is achieving goals or dreams isn’t hard. In fact it usually is simple steps and lots of repetition. Like losing weight, we know what to do. It’s simple, yet feels so hard. We want what we want, now. Sorry folks. Unless you are blessed with a miracle, you most likely aren’t going to get anything over night. Another good quote is (I don’t remember who said it first) “We overestimate what we can do in a year, and underestimate what we can achieve in a decade or two.”
I can hear in some of you thinking that,”It’s too late for me.” That’s absolutely rubbish. It’s never too late to start achieving your dreams. One of my clients has a relative that wanted to run a marathon in all 50 states. I believe she’s in her 70’s and finally a couple of months ago achieved her dream. Clearly running one marathon takes training and building to get to that stage. It didn’t happen over night. Could you imagine if she had one more state and decided to give up? It’s not about what other people think, it’s about letting yourself down.
It’s Okay to Change Your Dream

Some dreams don’t actually take off, but before you jump to any conclusions let me finish. I thought I had a dream about bringing a dog training device to fruition. My goal was to license the product so we could make money on the idea where another company would produce it and make most of the cut. Well, I realized that wasn’t really my dream.
What I learned from that situation was a lot. I learned how to write up a provisional patent, how to register a trademark, and copyright things. The real lesson however, was that my husband is quite the inventor. He can make anything that doesn’t exist, but needs to, and wa la, it appears. He’s not into mass producing anything. That’s not his dream. Just like my dream isn’t to invent things. I thought my dream was to make money, which it is, but not selling pet supplies.
My dream includes researching how to get things done then share it so others can benefit from what I’ve learned. My dream is providing the necessary tools that one needs to fulfill what is important to them. Anything is possible with the will to achieve it.
Teaching is something I believe to be my purpose in life. It’s to show people, that are interested, in how our energy affects our outcomes, good or bad. Law of attraction plus law of action really shows promising results. Anyone can do it. It’s not just the Jeff Bezos of the world. So if you recognize that you’ve been chasing someone else’s dream, that’s okay and you can shift gears. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with change. In fact, each step will get you closer to understanding what your real goals are.
Not All Dreams Are About Finances
Not all dreams have to be about getting rich. Money is great and all, but most of us want a peaceful, happy, healthy life, filled with family and friends. The money part allows us not to worry about food or a roof over our heads. If your dream is about wealth then by all means go for it. I tend to be driven to make money and have had a scarcity mindset towards money on some days. Then I remind myself of what my grandma always said, “Darlin’, money always seems to be there when you need it.” She’s right. I’m not starving. I have a roof over my head and things always have a way of working out.
Whatever your dream is in this life, and it may be several dreams, why not go for them. I believe we have multiple lives, but I can’t remember them. So why not make this life count. Or at least make it the life you want however big, small, indifferent, or whatever. Do it for you! Do it in 2025. The world is chaotic which I find a weird kind of blessing. Because when the politicians and the big corporate greed fights amongst themselves, we can work on ourselves that we don’t have to rely on them for our continued happiness. Let’s work on our micro world and not the macro world at this moment.
Wake Up and Chase Those Dreams Into Reality
We only have control over ourselves. It’s up to you to finally live the desired life you’ve dreamed of. After all, no one really knows exactly what your dream is unless you share it. And with that, becareful who you share your dreams with. Not everyone wants you to achieve them. It’s usually the ones that aren’t working on themselves. You can’t worry about that though, keep your eyes on the prize. You will get there with clarity, and persistant actions.
Our Manifesting Notebook can help keep your eye on the prize. click the link. https://wellnessgardentoolshed.com/product/spiral-notebook-ruled-line/
- Get clear on what you want. You can’t get to your destination, if you don’t know where to go.
- Feel it, taste it, smell it, write it, get excited about it, visualize it
- Research the subject matter using the internet and people; YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram, Google, whatever helps you learn about what it is you are into creating. People love to share their knowledge.
- Create a plan of action: write down steps to do each day that gets you closer to your goal.
- Tell someoneyou trust that can hold you to account.
- Look up licensing or credentials if necessary then proceed.
- Create content (if your goals require them)
- Meet people by putting yourself out there and let yourself be vulnerable. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
These are a few simple steps to get you started on your dreams. Whether you want a relationship, or fulfilling career, or creating new art. It’s time to get busy working towards those goals. The dream phase is over and time to live your desiried life.
A little something you may not know about me. I used to run track. My strength was in short distance. I had pure speed with no talent and knew no one could beat me. I broke all sorts of records, then got cocky. I lacked discipline and it finally got the best of me, because others were disciplined and had a stronger drive then I. And it wasn’t necessarily my dream in this life time. I loved Jesse Owens since the 6th grade and learning about him. These words couldn’t be any truer. An athlete with a dream and the know how to achieve.
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.
In Conclusion
We come to the end of 2024. Things didn’t turn out exactly like I wanted, but maybe they turned out exactly what I needed. The Universe, God, Whatever You Name It, works in mysterous ways. We can’t wait for someone or something to make our lives go the way we want it go. It’s up to us to make it happen.
Not all of us have the same advantages as others, maybe we didn’t come from money, or maybe we don’t live in an area that offers as much opportunity. Don’t let those excuses dictate your life. Look for opportunities. Learn from people with money. There is so much free information it’s not even funny. I didn’t know how to file a provisional patent until I YouTubed it. I didn’t know it was possible for a single mom at 25 yrs old to buy a home. My desire led me to the right people to help me.
Anything is possible. Everything is energy and energy is everything. Once you really get this concept, you will be just as amazed as I am to this day of the things that can be achieved. Dreams really do come true. I’m excited for 2025. Are you? Happy New Year!
~Cheers to 2025