Journaling and Vision Boards Work!

Journaling and Vision Boards Work!

Matthew McConaughey is hosting a free online event, The Art of Livin’ on April 24, 2023 So he’s promoting this event by appearing on numerous podcasts and shows. With that being said, he talks of writing dreams and goals with a pen or pencil. He wrote down that he’d win an Oscar before he ever began acting. I bring this up because I know that journaling or vision boards work. I have the life to prove it.

I had a history of dating the wrong kind of people. And when I say “wrong” I mean not the right fit for me and the future I wanted. Some were carnies, some were criminals, some were addicts and most were players. No matter what their issues were, I had to acknowledge that I was the common denominator. I was the one that needed to change. I focused on what I didn’t want such as someone of drugs, or a player, etc. all of the things I didn’t want, yet that was exactly what I attracted. 

Vision boarding or journaling is about writing everything you want out of life, no matter how big or small or even impossible things look. Once I started to write down the qualities I wanted in a life partner, I met my husband in five months and have been married over 25 years. Maybe that was a coincidence, but I really don’t believe in coincidences. I have other examples in my memoir, Manifesting Me: A Story of Rebellion and Redemption.

Another example is when I made a vision board in 2011. I put winning trophies from dirt bike racing. Mind you I didn’t actually start racing until 2012 and my first race was a disaster. I thought for sure I wasn’t as good as I thought, but I looked at my vision board every day. I was lapped by a few women. And was grateful for the first time they didn’t  lap me. Celebrate all wins big or small. The district that I raced in had set rules and classes forever. I was in the Diva Class Beginner Women over 35 . I kid you not, they changed the way the classed the beginner women and then I got trophies. Even a FIRST PLACE trophy. This was only one example of rules changing for a win.

Another time was when we had a family trip planned for Cabo San Lucas. It was the first year passports were a requirement to get in and out of Mexico. We had plenty of time to get our passports, but that was not the case. The department was backed up beyond belief due to the new law. I kept a vision of my family being on the beach in Mexico without any problem getting there. Our circumstances were unique because my daughter’s birth certificate was in Sacramento and sealed. It would take longer to get a certified copy of her certificate, which would be problematic. I had her original birth certificate with her adoption papers, but we still needed a miracle. And that miracle came. The Feds literally changed the law about passports an Mexico only a couple of days before our trip. 

My family and I made it to Mexico where a federal law had to change for that to happen, And a district that had rules forever that changed where I was able to get those trophies. And I continue to have a healthy and happy marriage up to this day. Those are only a few examples of how things have worked in my life. There are plenty of more, but that’s for another day. I encourage you to really focus on what you really want, write it down, cut pictures out, and see what happens. Because if I can do it, you can too.

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

Albert Einstein

I hope you find this tool useful from the Wellness Garden Tool Shed . Have a great week.

By Leah E. Reinhart

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