About Intention and Manifestation


What Is the Law of Attraction?

Before I answer that question, let me ask you one in return: what have you done today to make your dreams come true?

You can hold off on answering that for now. I’ll answer your question first.

The law of attraction is a popular concept that claims that you can attract anything you want into your life by focusing your thoughts and emotions on it. According to this idea, the universe responds to your vibration and delivers what you ask for, whether it’s good or bad.

So…does it work? Is it real?

The law of attraction is based on the belief that “like attracts like.” This means that whatever you think and feel and visualize, you will attract more of the same into your life. 

For example, if you think positive thoughts and choose to feel happy, you will attract more positive experiences and opportunities. All you have to do is to visualize your desired outcome, feel as if you already have it, and let go of any doubts or fears. 

The Law of Attraction goes hand-in-hand with The Law of Action. You see, attraction won’t work without some form of action on your part. Olympic athlete Lindsey Vaughn uses visualization to help her win races…but she also trains every day.

The Law of Action is about  manifesting your intentions: taking actions to manifest what you desire from the Universe. You can use this principle to manifest anything you want, such as money, love, health, success, and more. 

At Wellness Garden Tool shed, we create tools to keep your mind and spirit focused on the things you want to manifest. We believe each of us has the power to manifest our best life.

It takes focus, it takes time, it takes a willingness to open yourself fully to the possibilities.

But I think it’s real. And I know it works.

I Understand Why There Are Doubters

Now, let’s go back to that question I asked you at the top. What have you done today to make your dreams come true?

What intention did you put out there? How did you visualize yourself today? What action did you take?

You see, this is where the doubters and naysayers come in. and I get it, believe me I do.

People think the Law of Attraction and manifesting are the stuff of crackpot psychics and “woo-woo” metaphysics. And then there’s the cold, hard societal fact that many of us have very real challenges in life, whether it’s economic factors, a funky family, religious bias, demographics, race, sex, or some tragic situation.

I mean, let’s face it: there’s no scientific evidence that supports The Law of Attraction, right?

Well, except maybe…

  • According to National Science Foundation research, approximately 25% of persons who apply the law of attraction approaches get results
  • In a 2005 study, people in excellent moods were more likely to be happy and successful.
  • Russian research from the 1970s found that envisioning your goals increases your odds of achieving them.
  • According to a global poll conducted in 2010, picturing your goals enhances the likelihood of becoming a reality.
  • According to a new study involving researchers worldwide, using visualization can increase motor abilities, muscular strength, anxiety, self-confidence, and concentration (not to mention the hundreds of professional athletes worldwide who use visualization techniques to gain a competitive edge).

Or check out this Forbes article, which suggests that the more we understand quantum physics, the more evidence we have for The Law of Attraction.

To me, it comes down to this: whether you think the Law of Attraction is faith-based, metaphysical, or a new science we’re just beginning to understand,  the Universe responds to action.

The Universe wants you to take action, because the Universe is created by your actions. 

Here’s How It All Started For Me

When I was 14, I dreamed of owning a horse. Like, I literally dreamt about it. And finally, one day, I asked my mom if I could get a horse.

Her answer? “Can you feed it? Can you house it? Well, if you can find a way to afford it, then knock yourself out.”

So I took action. I made money watching people’s houses and animals when they were out of town, I babysat, I cleaned houses. I didn’t have enough money upfront for the horse, but then I realized I had the Bank of Grandma. She loaned me money for the horse, and I agreed to pay her a certain amount every month from the money I made. Then I found a place to house my horse.

That’s when I knew the saying “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” was not just a saying.

Was I lucky to have Bank of Grandma? Absolutely. But as Alex Hormozi said, “luck favors the prepared.” I had a dream. And though I didn’t look at it this way at the time, I visualized what I wanted, put it out there to the Universe, and took action to support that dream. 

If you want to learn more about me, you can check out my bio, where I talk more about my personal journey, and how I used the Law of Attraction and manifesting to bring about the love of my life, financial success, and more.

But before you do, there’s one more point I want to make. Maybe the most important point of all.

The Hard Truth About Manifesting Your Intentions

Here’s the truth about The Law of Attraction and manifesting your intentions into actions.

It’s not always easy.

In fact, the older we get, the harder it can become.

As a 14-year-old, I could devote a lot of time and action towards manifesting my dreams. In fact, every moment I wasn’t in school could go towards that dream.

As adults, we have upwards of three jobs, family to take care of, spouses and partners that need us, obligations we made that are still important to us. It’s hard to focus our intentions. We don’t know when or how we’ll find time to turn our dreams into actions.

That’s where Wellness Garden Tool Shed comes in. We create tools to keep your mind and spirit focused on the things you want to manifest.

Our Attraction Sets were created to keep you focused on the things you want to attract from the Universe. Whether it’s Health, Wealth, Love, or Happiness, each set is curated—from its scent, its color, its gemstone, and its mantra—to align your mind and your spirit towards your goals. 

So again, I come back to the question I asked at the top:

What have you done today to make your dreams come true?

Start here 😀

~ Leah

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