Working with Technology and Reading

Technology Has Helped the Youth to Read

Technology has it pros and cons when it comes to reading. Since technology isn’t going anywhere, we need to adapt to it. Since texting is the leading way the young people communicate these days, they are more inclined to write and read. Statistics shows in 2018 study; the share of adults that have read a book in any sort of format are the ages between 18-29 at 84%, ages 30-40 at 74%, 50-64 71%, and 65+ 67%. Is this due technology? Maybe, maybe not.

Being how I was never a great reader, due to dyslexia, I now read tons online and now books. Since  the ease in accessing my phone and the love of researching things, I’ve read more than ever.  The brain works like a muscle and the more you train it, it gets stronger. Since smart phones, Facebook, Twitter, etc., have been around, reading and writing/texting have become a part of everyone’s life, unless you live under a rock or refuse to get with the times. Maybe technology isn’t as bad as you think.

Reading Platforms

There are many platforms for reading; from the iPad, computers, smartphones, audio books, or regular hard copies. Choices gives people the opportunity to read more. As a new author, I want people to be able to access my book Manifesting Me without any deterrence. It’s more important for the message of book to get out, not what medium is being used.

With all of the reading devices out there, there is another thing to consider; which social media platform will work best with what you’re trying to do. Is it personal or for business?  I’m using it for both, but mainly my business.  It can be a bit overwhelming to a new author like myself, to determine which one works best, but I’m willing to try them all.  Once you think you knew of them all, there’s more. And forever changing.

Differences In Reading Platforms

I have found for myself as a new author, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and my website – – seem to be the ones I am more active with.  My son is in a band and they do well with Snapchat and Instagram.  Although, Facebook is great for advertising local events for any endeavor.  All of my hairstylist friends do extremely well with Instagram, Pinterest, and Yelp.

I’ve only scratched the surface with social media and will continue to see which platform is best for my needs. Have you figured out which one works best for your needs? Click the link below to see social media stats.

Addicted to Reading Social Media

As great and useful social media for all sorts of reading material is, there is the down side to watch out for. Don’t get addicted to thinking a “like” is the validation you have to have. It’s great to have accolades and so forth, but as an author or any artist, don’t let other’s opinions define you. Because there will be a time when you might not get the “like” you’re hoping for.  Click the link below to see the studies between depression and the amount of time spent on social media.…/a-new-more-rigorous-study-confirms-the-more-you-use-facebook-the-worse-you-feel

Social media was designed to make you somewhat addicted.  The same endorphins get released when you get approval or liked as in gambling.  After all, all social media is its own type of business.  The more hits a site gets, the more money is generated through ads.

Law of Attraction and Reading

I’ve talked a lot about the law of attraction in previous blogs; how your thoughts create your reality. Pay attention to your emotions and energy while reading social media. Are you feeling inspired or motivated or all over good? Or are you feeling irritated or angry or depressed?  Are you stalking others and comparing yourself to them?  Let your feelings be your guide to what you want to read or what you want others to be reading about you.  Remember, not everything is as it seems, on social media.

Technology and devices are great tools for personal use while keeping up with distant family and friends. In business, you have the opportunity to reach mass amounts of people with only a few clicks, like never before.  How will you expand your business? What do you want people reading about you or your business?  Let’s use this technology to enhance our lives and businesses, with what we choose to read. Let technology be your servant.

“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” ~ Christian Lous Lange

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Projecting Past Experiences On Others

What Does Living in the Past Mean?

Do you live in the past?  Most people I’ve talked to recently, seem to live in the past. You’re probably wondering what that means?  It’s when people project their past experiences on others, as if it will happen in the future or is happening now.

Since this is the time when a child is getting ready to advance into another grade, you can see how the different triggers show up.  One example that comes to mind is when one’s child goes to school, whether it’s high school, elementary school, or middle school.  When the parent’s experience was traumatic in whichever grade, you’ll see a panic in the parent when the child is in that same time period.

Projecting Your Past on to Your Child

Most parents tend to project and pass their experiences down the family line.  Hence patterns, good or bad, will continue. Writing Manifesting Me helped me see this tendency more clearly than ever.  I went to a tough elementary school where there were no shortage of fights.  By the time I went to middle school (which was junior high back in the day), I had already gone through what most middle school age kids went through; leaving me with a rather unusually good experience.

When my kids were in elementary school, all I could think about was if my child was getting picked on.  Were they afraid to use the bathroom, like I was?  It’s funny because I didn’t have those thoughts when they entered middle school like the rest of the world. Obviously, I based everything on my own past experiences.

If a person was a wild child and partied like a rockstar in the 80’s, that same person might be inclined to think all kids are doing the same kinds of crazy stuff.  I have found today, that some teens may be doing some of the same drug experimenting, but it seems to be less common as it was when I was growing up.  Thankfully, my kids and their friends never partied the same way I did in the past.

Living in the Past at Work

Another example are when young people enter into an industry that changes continually, such as music, beauty, writing, etc.  The older generation sometimes lives in the past and don’t want to accept change; especially in this new world of technology.  The younger generation has learned to use Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Twitter, Yelp, etc. to advertise.  This might seem easier than beating the streets, but there comes a time that we all must evolve and live in the now.  What worked well a long time ago, might not be as useful. Or you can think of it as another tool and add it into your repertoire.

With smartphones you can show off your work and advertise at any given time. Plus, it’s cheaper than running ads. Anything that can make your job easier, I say go for it.  There is always a silver lining.

Some Examples are More Subtle

There are other subtle examples of living in the past such as where your fears lie when it comes to finances, relationship, and career.  I grew up in a household with fear-based thinking around money.  My mother stressed more outwardly about money issues with my older sister than me, which lead to my sister’s mindset of lack of money to a much higher degree than mine.  There’s a feeling of never enough money.

I can tell when a person has grown up with a view of lack of money.  It doesn’t matter how much money they make, whether it’s $50,000.00 or $200,000.00, it’s the same thought process; it’s never enough. This sounds pretty silly, but I’ve seen it.  It really boils down to a scarcity mentality, which probably has been taught through past generations.

People who have grown up with parents surviving the Great Depression tend to save and ration.  Not so long ago, my grandmother would by things for two bits ($0.25) at a garage sale just in case someone could possibly use it. Talk about living in the past. That’s what people did back then.

Being Grateful for the Past

Not all ways are bad from the past.  The interaction we had with each other in the past was something to be cherished.  Technology can’t give you personal one-on-one connections.  Not having all of the devices around for constant entertainment, gave us a chance to explore our imaginations. When I was little playing with the neighborhood girl and my sister, we used the thorns from rose bushes, as people to fit in our Hot Wheels cars.  We were forever in a make-believe world, and it was fun.

Our parents didn’t hover over us every second worrying whether someone would kidnap us.  We learned how to be resourceful, since they had a sense of value of money and didn’t shower us with the latest gadgets. They didn’t try to out do another parent by buying lavish gifts, which seems to be more prevalent today.

Gadgets do exist now, and we live in a new time. It’s an era of technology and things move more quickly than ever.  Take what is good from the past and apply it to the present, but evolve yourself in this day and age and take it for what it is. Some changes have made life great. I wouldn’t want to wash all of my clothes by hand. Can you see the positive changes or do you let the past dictate your life? We really only have the now.  The past, is just that, the past.

“People don’t realize that now is all there ever is; there is no past or future except as memory or anticipation in your mind.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

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Follow Through Is the #1 Step Towards Success

Follow Through Is the Most Important Action

Have you ever known someone to have great ideas, but never follow through with any of them?  I’ve seen it in people; and to be quite frank, I’m guilty as well. Following through is the action, in law of action, that works extremely well with the law of attraction.

First step:  An idea or inspiration comes to you.

Second:  Clarity; get really clear on what you want to do with the idea.

Third:  Think about how this helps or contributes in some way.

Fourth:  What steps are needed to bring this inspired thought into fruition.

Fifth:  Take action and follow through.

I Don’t Know How to Complete the Steps

What if you don’t know how to follow through on the idea, you don’t know what steps to take?  Get clear on what exactly what you want out of the inspiration/idea.  Is it a hobby?  A career? Or lifestyle? What’s your intention?

Simply, start with some research. Learn everything about the subject; through Google, YouTube, libraries, books, blogs, people, etc.  It’s actually easier these days to find out anything on any subject.  The operative word is “DO.” Nike’s slogan is – Just Do It.  Nothing says it more blatantly  than that.

Say you decided you want this new idea to turn into a business.  Surround yourself with people who are like-minded.  Feeding off others’ energy keeps your momentum going. You can sabotage yourself by the people you hang out with.  Successful people position themselves with others that are equally or more successful in the same industry. Humans love talking about themselves and sharing their stories.  Asking questions never hurt anyone.  Get curious and follow through.

Fake It Until You Make It

You’ve decided what it is you want to be or do, then start acting like it.  You’ve done your research.  You know what your new business is going to be.  Now it’s time to follow through with your actions in bringing the project into fruition.

Mimic the people that have succeeded in your desired area.  Even if you aren’t sure exactly what it is or why.  Fake it until you make it.  At least you are doing something. Don’t let fear of failure get in the way.  You won’t always do things correctly, but failing is a stepping stone to success.  The why and what will make itself clear at some point.

Look the part. If you want to be a rockstar, dress like one.  If you want to be a hairstylist, be fashionable and do your hair. People should know what you do by your actions and appearance. None of this will happen on its own.  Following through on your part, is the only thing making this happen.

Some Parts Are Fun And Some Aren’t

I don’t care what kind of career you’re in; artist, musician, author, etc. There will be parts that are not very much fun and it is usually the logistics.  Artists, especially, only want to focus on their craft.  They don’t like promoting themselves or collecting money.

It is more effortlessly, now than ever, to get your service or product out into the world with modern technology.  It might be more competitive, but don’t let that discourage you.  There’s a reason why 92% of people don’t achieve their goals. (Taken from research in 2016 by University of Scranton) People aren’t following through with action.

Start small and set achievable tasks. The biggest mistake is to set an unreasonable goal. You will only set yourself up for disappointment.   Most people think that small successes don’t matter.  If you are starting to promote yourself through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc., you aren’t going to get to 10,000 followers in a week.  Be happy when you reach 50. Then the next milestone, 100 and so forth.

Create a habit of posting to social media. The one’s having hundreds of thousands of followers, post around 60 times per day sometimes. If you’re new to advertising on social media, chances are you’re lucky if you remember to post at all.  Set up small goals.  Remind yourself to post twice a day.  Gradually build yourself up to more.  There are apps that can schedule posts for you. Learn about those.

Engaging With People

Engaging and interacting with people are most important.  Follow up with an email or comment to someone you just met.  Connecting with your client is crucial.  I can’t stress enough how customer service will benefit you the most.  What do people complain the most these days? Automated telephone operators and not being able to get to a real person on a website.  People remember how you make them feel.

Not connecting with your audience, clients, or customers, is the fastest way to lose them.  It sends a message to them that you are only interested in their money and what they could do for you.  Aren’t you the one offering the service or product?

Connecting with others in your industry, can only help.  It’s like team building. If I meet other authors, and we have  similar backgrounds, we may be able to set up events together.  Same with musicians, meeting others can land you gigs.  My fans could become your fans and visa versa.

Following through after your initial meeting is key in keeping the connection.  People always make plans in the moment.  Nine times out of ten, the plan never comes about, due to lack of follow through. People get busy in their schedules and life.  You won’t be remembered if there isn’t a continuous connection. Not everyone is extroverted, but neither is Oprah. Don’t make excuses.

A Continuous Practice

Practice makes perfect. Once you follow through with anything, whether it’s out of your comfort zone or not, it gets easier.  It takes an average of 28 days to create a habit.  Why not make following through part of you daily routine?

Whether you are making a list of goals or meeting the right people, set time to step away from the lists and follow through with actions.  Write those emails, make those phone calls, start posting on social media, get those songs composed, write content, etc. Just Do It! There are no excuses keeping you from obtaining the life you want to create for yourself; except yourself, not following through.

“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” ~ Zig Ziglar

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Are You The Sheep Or The Shepherd

Sheep Or The Shepherd?

My mother considered me to be a sheep – “follower” were her words. You could say I was. Being a sheep isn’t necessarily bad. How else can you learn to be a shepherd – leader?  The trick is to find the right shepherd to follow. More than likely, you will not pick the best shepherd all of the time, but as I stated in a previous blog, nothing is perfect.  Mistakes are part of human development. Most successful people followed someone, then instinctively new when the time was right to try and be the leader.

Being The Sheep Is Step One

We all come into this world not knowing a thing; exploring the world around us as we develop.  Parents along with others are constantly teaching us right from wrong or should I say “their” right and wrong.  As we grow and mature, we start to discern for ourselves, what right and wrong is. Sometimes we know things are wrong, but because our friends have input and our desire to fit in and be accepted is stronger, than our unwanted consequences, we go for it. The shepherd didn’t keep his/her sheep safe.

Sometimes shepherds lead and inspire us to be better.  They guide you and help you stay on track, while letting you make some decisions on your own.  Not all shepherds have your best interest at heart. You must learn to discern for yourself who to follow. Even so, you might not agree with everything your leader tells you. Take what is good and discard what is bad.

Being The Shepherd Is Step Two

Once you’ve grown from being a sheep, it’s time to go on your own and be the shepherd.  What does this mean? It means you’ve defined your stance on things. You’ve become the leader.  Being a leader doesn’t mean you go around bossing people.  It means you can trust yourself to do whatever it is you want.  You don’t need other’s approval to define you.

These qualities make for great entrepreneurs, trend setters, managers, bosses, etc.  A great leader  knows when it’s time to be the follower.  Step two isn’t where it ends.

Switching Back and Forth From Sheep to Shepherd

In order to be a good leader, one most follow an expert in the area of which they are trying to lead.  Therefor, the shepherd becomes the sheep.   Good leaders don’t let their egos get in the way of learning something new.  It was suggested to me that I write a book about my life growing up.  My story was interesting enough, but I had no idea how to make it come to life. Not too mention, my writing skills needed some improvement.

The search was on to seek out people in the book industry.   Being afraid of showing others my ignorance in a subject, isn’t something I engage in.  Just because I didn’t know anything about the industry, doesn’t make me some sort of idiot.  Luckily, I found the right shepherds to follow.

The fact that I wasn’t afraid to go for something and start it, made me the shepherd.   I became the sheep when I didn’t have the knowledge to move forward in an industry in which I had no clue.  What I do have a clue in, is marketing and putting myself out there.  I can be the shepherd to others.

Extraordinary Shepherds

Exceptional shepherds vacillate between being the teacher and the student. Great leaders aren’t too proud, and love helping others to do well in life.  Some leaders like to put themselves on their own pedestal which will ultimately lead them to their downfall.  If you run into someone that wants to keep you in a forever student position, I’d stay far away.

Curiosity is the number one step in almost everything that has to do with success.  What areas are you curious?  Do you want to be a trend setter or someone that only wants to follow the herd?  I prefer to do whichever makes me happy.  Sometimes I’m the sheep and sometimes I’m the shepherd.

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” –  Jack Welch

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