Energy is Everything and Everything is Energy

plasma ball illustration

Everything is Energy

Just because you can’t see things moving with the naked eye, doesn’t mean it’s not omitting energy and a frequency. The same goes for your thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Everything that man has created started out with an idea. Once you stay focused on that idea, the Universe provides information to regarding the idea. Think of it like a Google search. You type in a topic and you get information instantly on the topic. And it doesn’t discern whether it’s positive information or negative. It give you all of it, starting up with most looked site.

Take an Inventory of Your Life

I bet you can look back on your life and see where your thoughts have manifested. I was raised with a scarcity mentality when it comes to money. But I was also raised that I could do or have anything I wanted, if I could figure out a way to make it work. I had to do the work. Thank goodness my desire and energy is one of a go getter mentality. It allowed me to buy and raise a horse at the age of 14. I bought my first car at 17yrs old. And I bought my first house as a single mother in the 90’s at the age of 25. I’m not trying to brag, but show you that if you had any doubt of accomplishing anything, if I could it, you can too.

I Didn’t Say It Was Easy

It wasn’t easy by any means. I got pregnant at 20 yrs old with my first child out of wedlock. It wasn’t like I was a teen, but it was difficult finding a decent apartment to rent being single. People judged me seven ways to Sunday, but I had the drive and determination to prove to world that I wasn’t a “loser” and that I could do what any other person could do, but with a child on my own. Being that I am a hairstylist, I’ve had plenty of brains to pick about success. And let me tell you, people love to share information about themselves. I received the most useful and beneficial advice from my dear clients. It’s not that I blame my family for not teaching me, but they only knew what they were raised on. It pays to get curious.

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way

The saying “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” rings so true to me. I was determined to get a horse, found a place to keep it, found a way to pay for food, shoes, etc. When I wanted a car, I figured that out as well. But not all of my manifesting was positive. I slipped into a fear-base thinking due to a church I used to go to. When I quit going, I was told bad things would happen to me. And guess what? They did. My fear took over and I believed what I was told and boy did I go through some hairy things within in a short amount of time. I have it all in my memoir Manifesting Me: A Story of Rebellion and Redemption.

The point of me bringing this up is that if you can look back on your life and how you were thinking in positive or negative experiences, you can see how your energy of thought and emotions dictate outcomes. Sometimes we don’t know what our energy truly is. We may lie to ourselves that we are the most positive person in the world, but things are working out for you. Maybe you’ve stuffed some feelings that are hindering you, because you’ve never dealt with the issue. Stuffing your problems won’t help. It’s not good to linger there either. Feel the feelings, then find some resolution or radical acceptance, if things are completely out of your control. You have the power to control your perceptions and that’s all. You can’t control things outside of you. Bad things happen, but so does a lot of good. Which feels better?

Thinking Alone, Isn’t Enough

Focusing of a plan of action towards something gives you power. Recently I had gone through a nasty scam resulting in a rather large amount financial loss. I was obsessed to say the least. The only thing that got me through it was focusing and taking action everywhere I could. Doing nothing felt much worse. It took 5 months and 2 days to get that money back. Everyone said there was no way we’d get it back, but what worked was focusing on getting it back and taking every step possible and not giving up. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Let me tell you, trying to keep a positive attitude wasn’t easy at all. In fact, I slipped into a depression. I prayed on retrieving the money every night and I believed prayers and action did the trick.

Law of Attraction Plus Law of Action Equals Success

Everything is Energy

I believe whole-heartedly that energy is everything and everything is energy. I’ve giving just a small example of how it has showed up in my life. Writing goals and focusing on them brought my husband to me and three pieces of property by the age of 29. I recently had one of my visualizations show up last December in Boston. This isn’t magical thinking because it works. As long as you use the correct energy. It starts with the thought or idea, then you must take steps, action towards the outcome. Law of attraction plus law of action equals successful outcomes. The best part of all of this, I never dreamed that all of this was possible. The possibilities are endless when you set goals. They may not come out exactly what you had in mind, but they usually are even better.

By Leah E. Reinhart

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