How to Recognize Inspired Action

Types of Actions

There are four types of actions that are the most common. Habitual action, passive action, forced action, and inspired action. I bring this up for a couple of reasons. We are in a time of uncertainty, if you look at the news. It is in our best interest to take care of ourselves through some type of action. First step, turn off the news and listen or do something that makes you feel good.

Joe Dispenza always inspires me and I was listening to one of his YouTube videos and I was prompted to write about this topic.–8 Plus, I want to emphasize the importance of the law of action combined with the law of attraction and how energy works every time. Feel free to check out our manifesting journal in the link below.

We will break down each type of action and what if offers you. And why inspired action is the best.

1. Habitual Action

This is action taken out of routine, often without much thought or emotion attached to it. Habitual action:

  • Can be beneficial when aligned with long-term goals
  • Sometimes becomes mindless and uninspired
  • Helps maintain momentum but may need adjustment over time

🔹 Example: You have a morning routine where you write affirmations daily, even if you don’t feel like it, because you know the long-term benefits.

Habitual action can be beneficial in losing weight and strength training and shouldn’t be dismissed or deemed as less than. As much as I don’t like chores, they need to be done to create a nice working environment, along with being a life necessecity.

2. Passive Action

This is action that involves learning, planning, or preparing but not actually doing. It’s often mistaken for progress, but without execution, it leads to stagnation. In some cases passive action is required in order to learn about the things that you’ve never known previously. With that being said, if you continue to only continue to be a student and never use any of the applications that you’ve learned, then you have this passive action, pretending to be doing without real action.

Passive action:

  • Feels like progress but lacks real-world results
  • Keeps you in the learning phase rather than the doing phase
  • Can be a form of procrastination in disguise

🔹 Example: You read every book on manifesting but never apply what you learn to take real steps toward your goals.

Again, I can’t stress how important it is to implement the law of action with the law of attraction. The learning process is only one of the steps in your progress. There are other steps needed to complete the task or goal.

I will be the first one to tell you that I love learning. I will never get sick of it. They say education is power. But the reality is applied education is power. It does no good to anyone if it isn’t used.

3. Forced Action

This is action taken from a place of struggle, resistance, or external pressure. It often involves pushing through despite feeling drained or uninspired. Forced action:

  • Feels exhausting and overwhelming
  • Comes from fear, scarcity, or societal expectations
  • Often leads to burnout because it’s not aligned with inner desires
  • Produces results, but they may not be long-lasting or fulfilling

🔹 Example: You feel like you should post on social media every day for your business, but you hate doing it. You force yourself anyway, but the content lacks passion, and engagement stays low.

Sometime we have to push ourselves to achieve certail goals. You maybe on a time crunch where you can’t ignore the step, but realize this won’t be forever. Regardless of your why, it’s the action you are making yourself do. Believe it or not, it can in some cases turn into inspired action.

The time that it takes to motivate yourself to get to a task can be the problem. Once you get into your task and start making progress, it can give you an energy boost and inspire you to go further. Contemplating going to the gym or exercising illustrates it best, once you got in your car and walk into the gym, you don’t even think twice of leaving without a workout. You forced yourself, because you knew it would help you in the long run.

4. Inspired Action

This is the most fulfilling type of action, because you are excited to take those steps and it never feels like a chore. Don’t you wish all action were like this? I know I do.

This is the type of action that flows naturally and feels aligned with your desires. It often comes from intuition, excitement, or a deep sense of knowing. Inspired action:

  • Feels effortless, like you’re being pulled rather than pushing
  • Often comes after setting an intention or visualizing an outcome
  • Brings synchronicities or unexpected opportunities
  • Feels joyful or exciting, even if it requires effort

🔹 Example: You’re thinking about expanding your business, and suddenly you feel a nudge to attend a networking event where you meet someone who helps you take the next big step. Not to mention, YouTube videos inspire me what to write about next.

How to Shift into Inspired Action

This can be the tricky part. What does it take to get an inspired action going, if you’re in a funk? Funny you should be asking. I have been in a funk for quite sometime with my investors being investigated by the FBI for fraud. That can send anyone in to a tizzy, but it’s not going away until it does, so I have to be intentional about what my brain is consuming.

It’s almost as if I’m using all the actions. First, I force myself to listen or read topics that are about personal growth, how to get ahead in business, and/or any type of energy work regarding manifesting. Learning or reminding myself of how energy works is the passive action. I’m listening but not actually applying it. Then as I’m listening and learning, I am doing habitual chores, like weeding in the garden. See what I did there? Then BOOM! I’m inspired to write a blog, much like this one.

Your intuition is always talking if you listen. It’s your connection to Source Energy, your Spirit side, and it will never carry you astray. Notice how you feel. You are actually excited to work on that project that you’ve been putting off. The steps are clear what to do. And as always, timing is everything.

  1. Tune into your intuition – Notice what excites you and what feels aligned.
  2. Release pressure – Let go of the “shoulds” and focus on what feels right.
  3. Trust divine timing – Inspired action often comes unexpectedly, so be open.
  4. Take aligned steps – Even small steps that feel good can lead to big results.

The one main difference I can think about in all the other actions and inspired action is inspired action tends to be the task that is done for the greater good. It’s an action that helps you and others at the same time. Passive, forced, and habitual are really for the one taking the action. You know that say, “It’s always better to give…” Well, it feels true.

When you are offering knowledge or a skill that you’ve learned to others, that’s a pretty amazing feeling. In exchange, the offer comes with its rewards in the way of something equal to value you’re providing; monitarily or trade. Both parties come out feeling better than when they started. Isn’t everyone searching for that feeling?


Action comes in different forms and sometimes we use all at the same time. Whenever I’m in a conundrum, action saves me. Whether it’s research, making calls, writing letters, I’m doing something to find solutions. It empowers me in a way that helps my energy attract the outcomes I desire. More times than not, things that have made me lose sleep, end up working in my favor. In some cases even better than I hoped.

Inspired action feels the best, but as long as you take some sort of action, you’ll be heading in the right direction to your success, whatever that may be. If you’re feeling stuck and don’t know where to begin in your transformation, check out my free download SHINE Method to get unstuck.

Action eliminates doubt. – Nashid Sharrief

I am grateful for you. Thank you for reading this blog. ~ Cheers

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