I’m Coming Out! An Author Has Been Born

  Newborn Author has Arrived

I’m coming out! A newborn author has arrived.  Almost 50 yrs. old, I’m still afraid of what others will think of me. After all, once it’s in writing, you can’t take it back.  I guess that feeling is pretty normal for most authors.  My memoir Manifesting Me is coming out on June 5th of this year, so I need to get over it.

It’s been an emotional roller-coaster.  One day I’m thrilled that all of this is really happening and I am proud of myself.  Then the next day, my mind races with the “what ifs?” What if people don’t like it? What if someone is offended?  There’s no turning back now. I have no idea what to expect, but I’m hopeful. What if it is successful? It’s all about the journey, not the destination. Right?

What Prompted Me to Write?

My hair clients were the ones that prompted me to write. I have always told stories of my upbringing while doing hair, simply to make conversation.  They looked in disbelief, following with a comment, “You should write a book.”  I was puzzled to some degree, because my stories weren’t that unusual, to me. Go figure.  Yet, my clients thought some of my stories were unbelievable.  I knew some were not “normal” such as growing up in a cult; or pulling guns on other children, while still in the fourth grade. But I didn’t think anyone would be interested in my life. Plus, I never dreamed of being a writer. I can hardly keep my thoughts and conversations organized. Nevertheless, it planted the seed and I got curious.  Things began to change in my mind.

Maybe I could be a writer with the help of professionals. I needed to find the people that could help me do this the right way. I’ve always been resourceful. Thus, I began to write my storyIf it was meant to be, than I’d have some guidance of some sort.

Attracting the Right People

 I’ve always been able to attract the right people to help me in life.  Even though I started writing in 2009, I finished my manuscript in 2015. I was working with one particular company, which expressed  interest  in my story. However, they were not helpful once they received payment.  They were the first stepping stone. Next!

My friend works in a bookstore putting on events suggesting I attend this one particular event, knowing my conundrum with my manuscript.  I was fortunate to meet with Linda Joy Meyers, Founder and President of National Association of Memoir Writers; Brooke Warner, publisher of She Writes Press and President of Warner Coaching Inc.; plus, some She Write Press authors. Everyone had encouraging words, despite my lack of knowledge in the writing business. “You have to start somewhere.”

After cancelling with the previous company and receiving my money back, I went forward with She Write Press in the beginning of 2017.  I received coaching and tools needed to complete my memoir. I will continually hone my craft. Like Diana Ross’s hit song says, “I’m coming out. I want the world to know…” Do you want to come out?


    Good for you, Leah. I really know what you mean about being concerned about what people are going to think about what you have to say. My memoir is very open and spills the beans on being handicapped; it’s not sugar-coated and a little bit of a manifesto, so it’s very scary to have it all out on the table. What if no one is interested? That would be heartbreaking, and also financially expensive. How will I handle a book tour with my extreme fatigue issues? On and on. It was not totally easy going through the editing and publishing process, either, with some miscommunications and unclear happenings, despite the very good essential intentions of She Writes. But, almost there. I wish you the best and would appreciate your also following me at http://www.FrancineFalk-Allen.com.

      Definitely. If you hit subscribe on the bottom of the website page, you’ll receive blog posts and a monthly newsletter on the latest. Thank you! I know at times things are frustrating, but I believe everything happens for a reason, even when the reason isn’t apparent at first. Best of wishes to you and your project.

    Leah. I’m so proud of you and your accomplishments, you have always been a a front runner, someone who challenges others but mostly you challenge. Yourself. Your a Tiger my friend and you will succeed I know it.Im so grateful your my friend. You go girl! I’m so excited to read your book and your journey to now.

    Amazing! Proud of you!! I lived so much of your early years with you in the same neighborhood and i’ll Never forget that stick shift car you picked up in everyday to give me a ride to school. Love you

    You say that you are worried about the “what if’s” and about what people will think of you when reading your book, but, what if all of the “what if’s” are that they love your story? And what if people think that you are a fabulous writer? This book is going to be awesome and I can’t wait to read it!

    You go Girl!

    You go girl!!!!! So proud of you!!!!!

    Ohhhh Leah, Leah, Leah!!!!!!! My friend Leah…Iv missed out on so much not being around you these past years, I miss you like crazy and I apologize for that!!! Iv been in so many circumstances and have thought of you and what you would tell me I need or should do..lol. I freaking miss it!!!!! I’m so proud to call you my friend and so proud of you for opening up and sharing your journey with us. I know this going to be an amazing ride!! I can’t wait for my autographed copy!! ?

    Very excited for you and this new endeavor!!!
    I am proud of you?

    Aww cuz, I am so happy for you! Your Mom would be too.

    I’m so excited for you. You’re simply amazing and I can’t wait to read your story. Then I’ll be lining up for your next book and the next and I’ll be saying, “I knew her when”.

    Awesome! Can’t wait for my copy!

      Thank you!! When are we hiking again?

    Love your blog, Leah (of course, there’s a musical reference!). I hope I have a chance to read your story! <3

      Thank you, Teri. Of course, music would be added. The writing and music business are so much alike. It’s uncanny.

    So excited for your new journey!!!

      Thank you, Sabrina!

    So proud of you my friend!

    You’re such a badass Leah!! I’m SO happy and excited for you! Can’t wait to read your book!

      I don’t know about that. Lol It’s more like I’m persistent. lol

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