How Mediumship Offers Comfort During a Time of Grief

Halloween Is the Perfect Time to Talk Mediumship

What better time to reflect on death and how mediumship can offer comfort during a time of grief than Halloween. Halloween has a long and complex history that can be traced back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter, death. The Celts believed that on this night, the spirits of the dead could return to the world of the living and cause mischief or harm. I don’t really know too much about spirits causing mischief or harm, but I do believe in what my eyes, ears, inner voice, feelings are telling me there is something to mediumship that can help during a time of grief.

I don’t know if it’s my age and where I am in life, but since 2019 I’ve had many friends and family members move on from this life to the next. I believe in life after death and I believe it’s given me comfort to think that my loved ones are just on another plane or dimension. There’s no viable science or data to support my belief in mediumship. Although, I’m open if there is an explanation. However, I’ve experienced some unexplainable things that gives me comfort knowing there’s more than this physical life.

When my mother passed at the end of 2009, I experienced some phenomenon. On my birthday, three months after my mom’s death, the fan above my bed turned on and off by itself. The morning of my Halloween party that my mom loved to attend, following her death, an aroma of grape bubble gum or soda filled my room, something my mother and I had a stupid fight over. She had a dry and witty sense of humor. Clearly she carried it to wherever she was at the time.

A couple of years later I booked a few medium appointments to get readings hoping to get some help with my grief. Some were what I call generic like “They are doing well” and “They were greeted with other loved ones” statements that can’t be verified or unverified.

What is Mediumship

Mediumship is the practice of communicating with the spirits of the deceased through a person who has the ability to perceive and relay messages from them. Mediums are not psychics who read the minds of the living; they are channels who connect with the consciousness of the departed.

When I Became a Believer

This one medium turned me into a believer. I was in the middle of the reading and I asked her helped my mother transition. There was some phenomenon in my parent’s house during my mother’s time in hospice. The medium started to write “Claire” then scribbled over the “i” saying that the woman said there was no “i” in her name. My grandmother’s name was Clare without an i. By the way, the medium knew my mother had passed without me saying it first. I had never had someone give me a name before.

The thing about believing in mediumship, is that the reader is human. The reader may get images or feelings that they need to interpret. They don’t always get it right. If they are new to mediumship, they may not have the confidence to tell the message that they are receiving.

The medium and I realized we had many connections and became friends. I knew I was meant to know her. I told her that I read tarot cards and thought I may have connected with spirits on the other side and she offered to teach me how to enhance those gifts. (We are all capable of doing this).

My Mediumship Practice Beginning

In my tarot readings, I’ve had people literally tell me that they wished I was a medium. I knew I felt people in the room or that they were trying to connect with me, but I had no idea how to do any of this. This journey blew my mind. As much as I wanted to believe in all of this, I didn’t think I could do it.

Most mediums tell you to just relax and blurt whatever you’re feeling, hearing, seeing, or knowing. That is exactly what I did. Messages I would hear in my head, was in my own voice. Most people think it has to be the deceased one’s voice. When I would see images in my mind’s eye, I thought I was making things up. Honestly, I was afraid to be wrong. When I let go and blurted things out, I was shocked how well these spirits wanted to communicate.

I received evidence such as names, instruments the deceased played, to smells of fruit that the dying requested hours before they passed. The messages aren’t always clear to me, but they are to the sitter. Spirit has helped my sitter find important documents. If you would’ve told me I was capable of this a while back, I would’ve said you’re crazy. I still think it’s all kind of strange. What keeps me doing this, is how my clients say it’s helped them during their time of grief.

How Mediumship Can Help

Grief is a natural and universal response to losing someone we love. It can cause intense emotional pain, sadness, anger, guilt, loneliness, and more. Grief can also affect our physical health, such as causing insomnia, fatigue, loss of appetite, and immune system problems. Grief is not something that we can easily get over or move on from; it is a process that takes time and patience. However, grief does not have to be a hopeless or endless journey. There are many ways to cope with grief and find meaning and purpose in life after loss. One of these ways is mediumship.

Mediumship can offer many benefits for people who are grieving, such as:

Closure: Mediumship can provide closure by allowing you to say goodbye to your loved one, express your feelings, ask questions, and receive answers. Mediumship can also help you resolve any unfinished business or conflicts that you may have had with your loved one before they passed away.

Comfort: Mediumship can provide comfort by letting you know that your loved one is still alive in spirit, that they are happy and at peace, and that they still love and care for you. Mediumship can also help you feel their presence, guidance, and support in your life.

Healing: Mediumship can facilitate healing by helping you release negative emotions, such as guilt, anger, or regret, that may be holding you back from moving forward. Mediumship can also help you accept your loss, cope with your grief, and find hope and joy in life again.

Spiritual growth: Mediumship can foster spiritual growth by opening your mind and heart to the reality of life after death, the continuity of consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all things. Mediumship can also help you discover your own spiritual gifts and abilities, such as intuition, clairvoyance, or healing.

What If You’re on the Fence about Mediumship

It’s completely normal to be skeptic. I am, and I have communicated with the deceased. It blows my mind every time. However, not everyone is convinced that mediumship is real or beneficial. And I get that. There are many who challenge the validity and ethics of mediumship. Some common arguments are:

Fraud: Skeptics claim that mediums are engaging in blatant trickery and deceit to fool their clients and make money.

Psychology: Skeptics argue that mediums are exploiting the psychological vulnerabilities and needs of their clients, who are often desperate, lonely, or grieving.

Science: Skeptics demand that mediums provide scientific evidence and proof for their claims and abilities. They point out that there is no scientific basis or mechanism for how mediums can communicate with the dead or access supernatural information.

When and if you decide to contact a medium for a reading, you should take a few things into consideration. Be open to it. The more closed off you are, the reader will struggle. Take it with a grain of salt and treat the first reading like entertainment. You will know they are legit when they give you something specific that only you’d know or isn’t a general statement. Get recommendations from someone you know that’s been to one. Many have social media such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, look at what type of mediumship they offer.

There are some sick people that will take advantage of a grieving person. If someone tells you your family is cursed and you need to pay to break the spell, that’s a red flag and scam. The last thing that needs to happen with someone grieving, is someone capitalizing on their grief. Some say look for credentials, but I’m not sure how that works. Maybe there’s one that exist, but I haven’t see or heard of any.

The Truth About Mediumship

The truth about mediumship is this isn’t a replacement for mental health treatment and I am not a doctor or licensed therapist. There isn’t any scientific proof of this practice, but we do know science is always evolving. Maybe scientist will find a scientific explanation on mediumship and psychic phenomenon at some point.

What I do know is that mediumship has helped people in their time of grief. It gives people hope that there is more to this life, than what meets the eye. Maybe we want to believe so we can make sense of a tragedy or death that seems unfair. Maybe it takes the fear out of our own mortality. I’m not here to convince anyone to believe like me, but rather give you something to ponder during this Halloween season.

By Leah E. Reinhart

It’s said that All Hallows’ Eve is one of the nights when the veil between the worlds is thin – and whether you believe in such things or not, those roaming spirits probably believe in you, or at least acknowledge your existence, considering that it used to be their own. Even the air feels different on Halloween, autumn-crisp and bright.

Erin Morgenstern

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