One Stop Shop For Mind, Body, and Soul

Mind, Body, and Soul

Mind, Body, and Soul

Mind, Body, and Soul

2020 sure did a number on the human race. Things have forever changed. Some of us had to rethink our careers, homes, and relationships. And let’s face it, most of the human race has a hard time adapting to change. But did you know there are ways to help experience change with ease?

Everything Is Energy

Everything is energy or has a vibration. Negative energy has a lower vibration than positive energy. The goal is to find out where your energy lies, and raise it to a place that makes you feel great and empowered. When you feel good, you’re setting your proverbial dial on a radio station you have tuned in to everything on that frequency. That’s the easiest way to understand how the law of attraction works is in a nutshell. It isn’t always about solely thinking positive and all of your troubles wash away. There’s much more to it. Your feelings and emotions are much stronger than your logic; therefore, have more power than thinking alone.

Books For the Brain, Hair Products For the Body

What we offer here is encouragement and empowerment with different tools. Books to promote healthy thinking through inspirational memoirs to self-help. Hair products and tips to help improve your look. Not that looks are the end all be all, but when you think your hair looks good, you feel good. There have been many studies showing that good hair, makes for a good day.

Jewelry Not Only Beauty, But Healing Properties

Crystals and metals have their own unique energy. Wearing stones and or metals can aid in your personal vibration. Such as amethyst is known for calming nightmares, clear crystal quartz brings more clarity in your life, and rose quarts brings loving energy. Metals also have healing properties like copper helps with inflammation or carpal tunnel when worn on the wrist.

Psychic Readings, PDF Downloads, Webinars

If you’re not sure where your energy is headed, we offer Tarot/Oracle readings to help shed light to your situation, either subconscious or conscious. We can even teach you how to give yourself readings. It’s true, you can read for yourself. Others might tell you, you can’t. I assure you, you can. Along with all of this, we will have webinars and seminars with a wide range of guests. From mediums, authors, card readers, motivators, whatever we can find to help make this a better world.

We hope you find what the proper tool for you in The Wellness Garden Tool Shed. And if not, drop us a question in the comments and we will do our best to help you get what you need.

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