Opportunity and Perception

Things Don’t Always Go As Planned

What happens when something you hoped for doesn’t quite go the way you’d thought it would? Do you get massively disappointed? Do you quit? Or are you able to find opportunity in disappointment?

As a new author, many people have big plans to help you. Everyone is going to get your book. All of your friends will buy it.  You’ll get invited to speak at everyone’s book club.  People will be interested in articles you have written and hope to find a spot for them in online magazines. And so forth.

Well, these are the promises one hears up to publication date and a bit after.  Then the excuses come.  We haven’t heard back about the placement of your article from so and so. Or you, actually, do speak at some book clubs, but not nearly as many as you hoped. The best one yet, is when people say they are not going to buy your book, but rather get it from a friend after that friend has read it. Anyone who has published a book, knows how expensive and how much work goes into it. I personally will always pay for someone’s work of art.

Don’t be discouraged.  This is all part of being in the writing business. In fact, it is pretty much any business. Your friends and acquaintances are almost always going to be excited for you and your book. They usually are following the energy of author. I have to say it’s hard to keep the momentum going for long periods of time.

Sometimes There’s An Opportunity Better Than The Original Plan

I recently had some news about a person ordering a set of books for her class, but ended up not being able to get them at this time, due to a drastic budget cut.  I was bummed sort of, but something told me not to worry. Because something very interesting took place.

My friend works at the particular store where the order was placed, then put on hold. I contacted her to see if this teacher had indeed purchased the books.  I felt in my gut that the order might not have gone through.  Funny how things work out. She gave me the news, but followed up with; there’s a field trip with this particular class to visit the bookstore and would I like to be a guest author? And by the way, Guy Johnson, Maya Angelou’s son, would be there.

I have been on cloud nine since this news.  Trust your gut. And follow up with people. I was a little nervous asking if the order had been placed, in fear of the answer. Had I not asked my friend, I might’ve missed an amazing opportunity. It would’ve been nice to sell thirty books to a class, but I know I could sell thirty books at some point on my own.

Overnight Success Is Extremely Rare

Opportunity is all around.  You might have to look hard for it, but it is there. Remember there is no such thing as overnight success. There are stories in which it sounds like overnight success. It’s rare. Ask any famous or successful person.  I heard Amy Schumer in an interview with Oprah and how she was described as overnight success. And her reply to that was something like, “Overnight? Yeah, like after ten years of hard work.” Must’ve been one really long night.

We only hear the quick version of success stories. Because if we heard what really took place, it might seem boring or too hard.  Take a stake out for example.  The real ones almost never amount to anything.  But watch a movie and things are happening left and right.  Folks, it’s television.  People want to be entertained and wowed, and do not have much patience for boring.  Let’s face it, everyone loves one-day or two-day shipping.

Do Not Dismiss The Power Of Positive Thinking

You’re probably thinking I’m writing this because, I’m not making it right this second.  The truth is, I am in the process of making it. Although, I have no idea what to expect. Therefor, I don’t have any expectations.  That maybe a better attitude to have.

Again, I bring up the power of positive thinking. It goes without saying how I feel about the Law of Attraction. It works.  Keeping yourself in a positive and happy space, tells the Universe, Divine, God, etc., (whatever you choose to call it) to give you more of what matches that energy.  I’ve mentioned before in other blogs, the Universe is working for you, even when it feels like everything is against you. Your thoughts and energy are part of the success process. The physical is the only the macro part of life and the thinking is the micro part of life.  Everything starts with a thought or idea.

What I can say and know for sure, is my attitude has everything to do with my success and what types of opportunities and people I attract into my life. I have an unusually sharp memory and can see my own patterns. If you really were honest with yourself, you’d see the patterns in your own life that was created with your energy. Knowing this valuable information automatically gives you power.    Your energy is a valuable resource and it’s free.

Does It Matter How You See The Glass?

Seeing the glass half full is always a better outlook, than half empty. But realize if the glass is empty, you can always refill it.  Writing is my new passion, and I will keep on, keeping on.  It’s fascinating how this journey is unfolding.  Remember, It’s the journey, not the destination.

When there is an occurrence that is perceived as less than desirable, don’t be too upset. Go with the flow. There’s usually a reason when something doesn’t work out. It usually means there’s a better way or an opportunity coming.  I could’ve sulked about the teacher not getting my books, but now I have speaking event. I could get upset by people telling me they aren’t going to pay for my book.  But people are reading my book, anyway they can. The interested parties not committing to running my article, never said no. Which means, maybe they haven’t ran the article, yet. Patience is a virtue.

Something better could be lurking around the corner.   Nothing is a failure, until you deem it so. Manifesting Me shows how the law of attraction works, when it was on purpose and when it was not. You can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can control your thought process around it. It’s all perception.  Never give up. You never know what opportunities will show up.

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ~ Lao Tzu

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