Do You Think the Universe is Working for You?

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The Universe Has Your Back

It’s easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of the world around us. We see news stories about violence, poverty, and environmental degradation, and it’s easy to feel like the world is a bleak and inhospitable place. And not to mention our personal challenges. But if we take a step back and look at the bigger picture, we can see that the Universe is actually allowing us to learn from chaos and forcing us to work towards a better life. We seem to learn more when our experiences cause some pain.

Think back to time when you were hit with a challenge that you thought would break you. I can think of plenty. But one that comes to mind, was when I was fired from a salon in the early stages of my career. The owner of the salon had marital problems and apparently was jealous of any young woman. I honestly couldn’t imagine anyone being jealous of me and my life. I was a young single mother barely making ends meet and to make it worse, she fires me.

It forced me to move to a salon that was a commission to rent salon where I became my own boss at 22 years old. I haven’t worked for anyone, except my clients, since. I made more money than I had ever made in less than a year. Looks like the Universe worked for me on that one. What would’ve happened if I didn’t get fired? I might’ve stayed in a hostile environment, making less money.

You’re Born

The odds of you being born are incredibly slim. You are the result of a long chain of events that had to happen exactly as they did for you to exist. I believe we have the perfect parents to help our souls grow. Not that our parents are perfect, (some are horrible) but they are perfect for us.

My mother and father weren’t exactly the type of parents to spoil my sister and me. I started working a consistent job at 14 years old. I had a ton of jobs like babysitting and animal sitting jobs when I was younger. I worked because I wanted a horse. My mother told me if I figured out how to feed, shoe, worm, and take care of all a horse’s needs, then go ahead. I don’t know if she thought I couldn’t figure it out, but she didn’t seemed shocked when I was able to get my horse.

My parents didn’t buy our cars or ever give us money for things. However, Christmas and birthdays were celebrated and we did get some things then. To this day my father only gives my sister and I $50.00 for our birthdays and Christmas. My point is my sister and I are super resourceful and both of us bought our first homes in our twenties and have managed to stay away from credit card debt. That in itself is something to be grateful for. Once again, the Universe had a better plan.


Having Technology

People freak out when change occurs. Just look at technology. As much as social media and too much news has been rather toxic, technology has allowed us to have access to tools and resources that would have been unimaginable just a few generations ago. We had to dial 411 to find out a phone number. You had to go to the bank to deposit money. And can you believe we had to have long cord to get any kind of privacy while talking on the phone? Some of that I actually miss, but I talk with my cousins more frequently than I did before through social media. Not to mention, I wouldn’t have this online store that’s able to reach people around the globe or be able to participate in the stock market online. When used in a productive manner this technology has made our lives easier, more convenient, and more fulfilling in countless ways.

No matter where you are in life, there are always opportunities available to you especially since the internet was born. You can learn new skills, start a new career, travel to new places, meet new people or write a blog like this. Thank you Universe for bringing innovative people in the world.

Lesson Learned

Even if you feel like a small fish in a big pond, you have the power to make a difference in the world around you from the lessons you’ve learned. Your life lessons can help others learn what’s possible to overcome. Having the type of parents that I did, allowed me to learn that I am capable of accomplishing whatever I set out to do. Being a single young mother and starting a new career seemed bleak, but turned out to be a pretty good “Hero’s Journey” story, literally. I published a memoir that hopefully helped or inspired someone.

So, the next time you’re feeling discouraged by the state of your world, remember that the Universe has your back in more ways than you might realize. It’s hard to imagine the lesson you’re supposed to learn while your knee-deep in suffering, but in time you will learn what that lesson is. You may have healing words for someone that is going through what you’ve gone through, or you’ve gained confidence knowing that you made out on the other side of strife. The next time something doesn’t go the way you think it should, just remember the Universe has your back and is always working for you to achieve the best outcome for you. Most of the time, it’s better than you expected.

Don’t give up! It’s not over. The universe is balanced. Every set-back bears with it the seeds of a come-back.
Steve Maraboli

By Leah E. Reinhart

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