Working with Technology and Reading

Technology Has Helped the Youth to Read

Technology has it pros and cons when it comes to reading. Since technology isn’t going anywhere, we need to adapt to it. Since texting is the leading way the young people communicate these days, they are more inclined to write and read. Statistics shows in 2018 study; the share of adults that have read a book in any sort of format are the ages between 18-29 at 84%, ages 30-40 at 74%, 50-64 71%, and 65+ 67%. Is this due technology? Maybe, maybe not.

Being how I was never a great reader, due to dyslexia, I now read tons online and now books. Since  the ease in accessing my phone and the love of researching things, I’ve read more than ever.  The brain works like a muscle and the more you train it, it gets stronger. Since smart phones, Facebook, Twitter, etc., have been around, reading and writing/texting have become a part of everyone’s life, unless you live under a rock or refuse to get with the times. Maybe technology isn’t as bad as you think.

Reading Platforms

There are many platforms for reading; from the iPad, computers, smartphones, audio books, or regular hard copies. Choices gives people the opportunity to read more. As a new author, I want people to be able to access my book Manifesting Me without any deterrence. It’s more important for the message of book to get out, not what medium is being used.

With all of the reading devices out there, there is another thing to consider; which social media platform will work best with what you’re trying to do. Is it personal or for business?  I’m using it for both, but mainly my business.  It can be a bit overwhelming to a new author like myself, to determine which one works best, but I’m willing to try them all.  Once you think you knew of them all, there’s more. And forever changing.

Differences In Reading Platforms

I have found for myself as a new author, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and my website – – seem to be the ones I am more active with.  My son is in a band and they do well with Snapchat and Instagram.  Although, Facebook is great for advertising local events for any endeavor.  All of my hairstylist friends do extremely well with Instagram, Pinterest, and Yelp.

I’ve only scratched the surface with social media and will continue to see which platform is best for my needs. Have you figured out which one works best for your needs? Click the link below to see social media stats.

Addicted to Reading Social Media

As great and useful social media for all sorts of reading material is, there is the down side to watch out for. Don’t get addicted to thinking a “like” is the validation you have to have. It’s great to have accolades and so forth, but as an author or any artist, don’t let other’s opinions define you. Because there will be a time when you might not get the “like” you’re hoping for.  Click the link below to see the studies between depression and the amount of time spent on social media.…/a-new-more-rigorous-study-confirms-the-more-you-use-facebook-the-worse-you-feel

Social media was designed to make you somewhat addicted.  The same endorphins get released when you get approval or liked as in gambling.  After all, all social media is its own type of business.  The more hits a site gets, the more money is generated through ads.

Law of Attraction and Reading

I’ve talked a lot about the law of attraction in previous blogs; how your thoughts create your reality. Pay attention to your emotions and energy while reading social media. Are you feeling inspired or motivated or all over good? Or are you feeling irritated or angry or depressed?  Are you stalking others and comparing yourself to them?  Let your feelings be your guide to what you want to read or what you want others to be reading about you.  Remember, not everything is as it seems, on social media.

Technology and devices are great tools for personal use while keeping up with distant family and friends. In business, you have the opportunity to reach mass amounts of people with only a few clicks, like never before.  How will you expand your business? What do you want people reading about you or your business?  Let’s use this technology to enhance our lives and businesses, with what we choose to read. Let technology be your servant.

“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” ~ Christian Lous Lange

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