Your Beliefs Are More Important Than You May Realize

Your beliefs are more important than you may have realized. Have you ever noticed that the people who expect good things to happen tend to attract them? Meanwhile, those who constantly worry about the worst often seem to live out their fears? This is not just coincidence—it’s a reflection of how our beliefs shape our reality.
Everything we experience in life is filtered through the lens of our beliefs. These deep-seated convictions act like an invisible force, attracting or repelling opportunities, relationships, and even financial abundance. The Law of Attraction teaches that like attracts like, meaning that our predominant thoughts and emotions bring similar energies into our lives. But beyond attraction, our beliefs also determine the actions we take—or don’t take—which ultimately decides what we manifest.
Beliefs and thoughts have energy just like everything that exists. Feelings happen to carry more weight than thoughts. As the law of attraction states, like attracts like. And as I’ve preached law of attraction works the best when you add the law of action. So let’s take action to get that life you want and start changing your old beliefs.
The Power of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

A self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when a belief—whether positive or negative—shapes behavior in a way that makes the belief come true. For example, if you believe you are unworthy of love, you may unconsciously sabotage relationships or fail to recognize genuine affection when it’s given. On the other hand, if you believe you are capable and deserving of success, you will seize opportunities, persist through obstacles, and align yourself with people who support your growth.
What if your beliefs are negative? How does one overcome them? Well, a good start are vision boards and affirmations. Some people have disputed that looking at a vision board or stating affirmations in a mirror is lying to yourself, if you don’t actually believe what you’re saying or if you think your vision board is out of reach. But that is their belief. They don’t trust in the process
The good news is you can learn to change your limiting beliefs and begin believe your affirmations and realize your vision board. You’ll get over the awkwardness of repeating an affirmation. Remember you are creating new beliefs and breaking free from those that are holding you back.
Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

You might be wondering where and why these negative beliefs are programmed in your brain. The answer is complex, yet simple. Many of us carry limiting beliefs instilled in childhood—ideas about money, love, success, and our own worth. These subconscious programs dictate what we allow ourselves to have. Before we start blaming our parents, consider that communities, churches, school, and media influence our beliefs
For instance, if you grew up hearing that “money is the root of all evil,” you may struggle financially because you subconsciously associate wealth with something bad. If you were told that “relationships always end in heartbreak,” you may unconsciously push love away to avoid pain. I’m sure you’ve heard that you have to work hard to achieve something great. None of this is actually true. It’s only a belief. Beliefs are something that you’ve thought over and over and then deemed them to be true.
The good news? Beliefs can be changed. Through self-awareness, intentional affirmations, and inner work, you can shift limiting beliefs into empowering ones. Here’s how:
- Identify Your Core Beliefs – Pay attention to your recurring thoughts, reactions, and patterns. What do you tell yourself about success, love, and happiness?
- Challenge Negative Beliefs – Question the truth behind limiting beliefs. Ask yourself, “Is this really true? Or is it just something I’ve been conditioned to believe?”
- Reprogram Your Mindset – Replace old beliefs with new, empowering ones through affirmations, visualization, and surrounding yourself with positive influences.
- Take Inspired Action – Beliefs alone won’t change your life—your actions must align with them. When you believe in your success, you’ll start taking steps toward it with confidence.
Manifesting a New Reality

Like anything else, when you’re trying something new like riding a bike, you might fall a few times. The same goes for when you’re trying out a new way of thinking. Old habits die hard, but they do die with practice. I bet the first time you went to the gym and took a dance class, you were completely lost. But as you practiced and perfected it, you were wondering how you ever thought this was difficult.
When you shift your beliefs, your reality will follow. Start by embracing the idea that you are worthy, capable, and deserving of everything you desire. Trust that the universe responds to your energy and expectations. By believing in possibilities rather than limitations, you open yourself up to a life filled with abundance, joy, and fulfillment.
Look at all the great inventors that didn’t let a limiting belief get in the way. We have airplanes, lights, the internet, AI, going to space, so many things that have made our lives easier with a simple thought and belief that these things were possible to make or do. Thank goodness for their beliefs that anything is possible.
There are books that have tons of examples how powerful our brains and beliefs are. Here are a few links to my favorites that I will be forever grateful. You’re Born Rich Think and Grow Rich and The Answers
My Proof
I was raised with several different beliefs: Don’t spend money on wasteful things. You’ll be a real grown-up when you buy your home, in your twenties. When policies are in place, you can’t change them. Employers need to treat you with respect. Prayer works. My favorite one of all, if you can figure it out, go for it. They are differing from one another, but I wanted to give you examples of these beliefs and how they played out in my life.
Wasteful things is all in the eye of the beholder, so I’m not sure where my mom was going with that one. I’m assuming don’t get pets until you have bought a home to raise them. I did, in fact, wait until I bought my condo before adding pets to my life in my twenties.
At 17 years-old I had a boss try to embarrass me in front of the whole store. I told him in front of the store that if he had a problem with me that he could address it in his office, instead of trying to belittle me. He respected me after that statement and never did it again.
Many of you know that I had gone through (and still going through) crazy money situations. First, an inheritance issue, then a family member got scammed, then a property management company, and now my financial investment company is being investigated by the FBI. Yeah, crazy stuff. But all (except the last situation hasn’t been resolved), have worked our in my favor. I believe that last situation will get resolved with a positive outcome, as well. My belief is there is a resolution and not to give up until it works out that way.
Things always have a way of working out, at least that’s my belief. I also believe where there’s a will, there’s a way. That core belief has never disappointed me. Believing that things that seem impossible aren’t, has allowed the law of attraction to attract the unbelievable, or what others define as unbelievable. If I truly thought all of things were impossible, I wouldn’t be able to tell you that things worked out for me.
Your beliefs are the foundation of your reality. And reality is showing you what you believe. Change them, and you change everything.
Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
~ William James
As always, I am grateful for your attention and time. We are in crazy times right now. Yet, when things are crazy, it motivates me to find something positive to create. Writing these blogs help me most likely more than all of you, but I’m truly encouraged to keep writing with the positivity you’ve given me. Thank you!
Here’s to journey on believing something new. Let me know in the comments if you’ve noticed how your beliefs manifested. ~ Cheers